... so write about pussy...
By PeterHunter
… so write about pussy…
Peter Hunter
… as is my habit I lingered too long in bed… sipping a large lemon tea whilst watching and listening to my favourite morning news show whilst catching up with the improbable, the political and the simply absurd…
… as is now the trend - towards the end of the hour the producers introduce a story that could only be termed more entertainment than essential news, perhaps 'human interest' not adding to one's knowledge of important worldly matters.
The story followed the current vogue, reporting on new authors who had suddenly made a fortune following the publishing of their work on Kindle or some other electronic medium - instant overnight successes, becoming celebrities in the process. As in the last ten months I have enjoyed the freedom provided to publish my own work, this way, some of it reprints of stuff I had originally published in paper form, other completely new…
… I was naturally quite interested…
but I learned nothing…
… the only remarkable fact being the youth of the author… which left me bewildered as to how such a young 'lady' could possibly accumulate the wealth of human experience that it had taken me over seventy years…
… before I felt qualified to write my books…
If I was to judge my own efforts on only this one example… I would give up writing immediately and probably lose the will to live in the process…
After breakfast… discussing the new literary phenomena with my wife Celia, I downloaded a sample of one of the books mentioned - onto my Kindle…
… it did not take me very long to read the sample… and it was one of the most disgusting pieces of low-grade pornography I have ever seen…
… and, as if to add insult to my intelligence it was boring and risibly written with schoolboy levels of 'howlers'.
Was it was meant to be serious or some sort of comedy…?
I handed the Kindle to Celia for her opinion - whilst I decide that no man of any intelligence would read such rubbish, and that only sexually frustrated women with onanistic ambitions and tendencies would find it of interest, a view shared by Celia…
'… what you should do,' she observed '…is to learn from this latest publishing sensation - and to write about pussy…'
and I did - I quickly wrote eighteen short stories, all based on truth…
… about our three cats - Purdy, Symes and Wright, along with several poems and other pieces… my publishing partner Sue uploaded them and they are published under the title…
… cats and other tales…
Celia's comment, 'not quite the pussy I had in mind…'
© Peter Hunter 2012
Peter Hunter's full-length works are available on Kindle
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