All I Want
I'm seated next to the window staring out into the sunshine. I can see the leaves of the branches swaying along with the breeze. And the children running around playing tag or swinging on the swings or spinning round and round on the roundabout. I hardly ever go out anymore. Not since the accident. I remember climbing the trees in that park and finding a bird's nest. What a cute little thing with all its fuzz and pokey sticks all arranged in the shape of a neat little bowl. And I remember always racing my sisters to the car, to the playground, the bus, everywhere. Always running and jumping, laughing and playing. I never thought anything could ever go wrong. There's nothing I want more than to jump out of this window and play with the other kids having a fun time. But I'm stuck here in my room. Staring out the window. Watching all these other people come and go with smiles on their faces. While I sit here, without my legs.
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