Be Still

By Author Unknown

Be Still, and Know that I Am God,

My Father said to Me,

And I will fill you with My Peace,

And set your Spirit Free.

You are my Own; I've Chosen You:

You are Precious in My Sight.

Give Me your Heart and I Promise

You I'll be Your Guiding Light.

My Love for you will Never Fade

By your side I'll Always Stay.

My Joy will be your Strength and Shield,

If you'll let Me have My Way.

I'm Standing here with Arms

Outstretched I want to Touch and make You Whole. Of My Living Waters, Come and Drink, And I will Quench your Thirsty Soul.

Peace! Be Still! I am with You now,

And no-one could Love You More.

My Love for you will never Die

Of that You can be sure.

That's what my Father said to Me

And I know His Words are true.

I know that He has Set me Free

And He'll do the Same for You.

So just Reach Out, ask Him to Forgive

And Pardon all your Sin.

Ask Him to be your God and King

And He will take You In.

(Psalms 46:10)

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