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Beneath the Broken Skies Reviews

Andy (Formerly Apemann) gave a rating of 3

The numerous punctuation, grammar and spelling errors spoil what could have ben an otherwise interesting and engaging story. As it is, the faults get in the way of the pleasure to be gained from reading your work.

It's all the more annoying when a simple quick check with your spell-checker would have revealed the problems before you submitted your story. You do yourself a disservice by not taking those extra few minutes...

On the plus side, you have a good imagination. With care you could become a very good writer. :-)

Aejat Thank you for your review. I am working on my grammar, punctuation, and other literary skills I'm lacking in. I hope you come across more of my stories that I'll be posting. For readers like you I'll do my best not to disappoint even if it's just a silly story. However, if you do come across more bring on the onslaught of errors if there are any and there may be.
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Aejat Onslaught of corrections *
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