There's nothing very romantic or profound about comparing a sunset to a loaf of bread baking in the oven. Actually, there's nothing very romantic or profound about bread at all, which seems like a shame, since bread is one of the most perfect things we have in this world. But I digress.
Sunsets and baking bread have more in common than you might think. They both start out bland and bright, and— depending on the dough and the day— can be hot, sticky, and smelly. Then once the dough is in the oven and the sun begins to set, both start turning golden and wonderful. And, I guess eventually both of them will start to turn black.
See? Not romantic. Also not profound. But maybe next time you're enjoying a sunset, you'll find yourself wishing you had a nice, fresh loaf of bread to be eating along with it.
Author Notes: Yeah, I don't know. I hope this was amusing to at least one person who isn't me.
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