Pain pain, go away
Never come any other day
Will a taste of a blade make you go away?
Will I see a rainbow for just one day?
I don't feel like me anymore
Used to be the most joy in the room
Now, I've just withered away..
Is there no one here to save the day?
I try to smile, I try to laugh
But it never seems to last
Why am I the one that has to feel this pain?
Can't it just strain?
Please leave me pain
I can't handle it anymore
I just want to feel normal
Not sad
Not painful
Not angry
Not regret nor guilt
Ecspecially not hatred
Just normal
Just leave me be!
I never asked for you!
I never wanted you!
The one's I looked up to in life already spread their wings and flew away
And now I,the youngest, has to deal with my parents
The arguments
The hatred
The shadiness
The lies
The words spoken to me
The words that makes me want to flee
The isolation
No love No life
Emptiness in this house
Emptiness in this family
Emptiness in this life.
I don't want to leave
I just want the pain to leave
It doesn't belong within me
It's a possession that needs to leave.
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