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Catharsis of My Subtle Life After My Divorce, Seems Not to Come.
Catharsis of My Subtle Life After My Divorce, Seems Not to Come.

Catharsis of My Subtle Life After My Divorce, Seems Not to Come.

papin49Roberto Perez

Nobody knows how difficult it is to continue living after a love break-up in a relationship after sharing as a couple, for about twenty years, and even more, when one has had a couple of wonderful children; That makes you think that the relationship would never end. when out of the blue, it is all over as a family. Everything is gone, but you have to keep alive, no matter how hard the circumstances are.

At first, ones feel comfortable because you don't know exactly what's going on later with the decision you have taken. nevertheless, when days have gone and you start missing your family because of the years shared more than for sex itself, those days become black in your life because you start dreaming of hanging out with them wherever you had gone with them when living together. It is a devastating situation for any human being.

Most people break up and have good communication with family, but others don't, which makes a sadder situation between them; The problem gets worse when the children as part of the family, think that they are part of a couple and start taking desition that doesn't help with a good end of the problem because the couple has intimate things that children do not understand and that's why they shouldn't be part of this couple issue.

When a couple takes the responsibility of getting married, they don't take into consideration that together, with that package, more than the happiness expected, there are many other untenable backlashes, that make all the good feelings that you, as a couple, won't survive it; if don't have good communication, love, and respect.

If the couple leaves everything in the hand of the Lord God, he is the one who will open the way for them.

The Bible says: Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable, and do all that you can to live in peace with everyone. Romans 12:17.

Author Notes: Isolation is never good for any human being.

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About The Author
Roberto Perez
About This Story
15 May, 2022
Read Time
1 min
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