Everybody Who Gave Up on Life
Tears of acid flow down your cheeks,
And their unfair words made you weak.
You wonder if you stayed and died,
Would you still feel the need to hide?
The blade slices through flesh to bone,
And you finally feel you aren't alone.
Your blood gushes down scarred skin,
And it feels like you are going to win.
Then you lose yourself to the cold,
Stuck in a body that will never grow old.
They mourn for a while- then no one cares,
You must no longer avoid their judging stares.
When your body hits that black soil,
You finally feel your soul uncoil.
You are gone and they now know,
Your happiness was all for show.
They now regret the things they said,
But can't take back the fact you're dead.
And they all know it's finally done,
Your battle is over and depression has won.
Author Notes: notesssssssssssssssssssssss! unnecessary rambling. (who even says that word?)
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