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Cleansing Humankind’s Soul Memories
Cleansing Humankind’s Soul Memories

Cleansing Humankind’s Soul Memories


Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Three

The evolutionary journey takes every human being, without exception, from its lowest point forwards and upwards until on the highest level of your development you have been reborn into the conscious awareness of your oneness with Me and all life. Reaching this level is everybody’s birthright that nothing and nobody will ever be able to take from you. It is a journey that of necessity starts with spending many lifetimes as a physical being on the material plane. The Age of Aquarius is the age of truth. And increasing numbers of you by now are waking up to the knowledge that I am as much part of you as you are of Me and that every one of you is a young God in the making, who is presently serving their apprenticeship on the earthly plane of life.

The old religions were purposely designed by the Angels and Me for keeping humankind away from this knowledge. Through this they turned into useful instruments for familiarising your world with the lower nature’s lowest and meanest drives and urges that represent the crude and unevolved state of every human being’s nature. Even though many have problems accepting that this is true, they are also Mine. The expressions of these characteristics are passing developmental phases that eventually have to be overcome by every one of you and shed, once and for all. You need to nail them to the cross of your earthly existence because that enables your spiritual higher God or Christ nature to come to the fore and save and redeem its earthly counterpart. You alone can do this for yourself and regardless of what anyone may promise you, no-one will come and wave some kind of a magic wand to make it happen. And that’s the higher esoteric meaning that has always been hiding behind the surface words of the Jesus legend.

Leaving behind all your fears, especially those of death, the future and the unknown, is the most vital step on the healing journey of every human being which, like any other journey, starts with one single step. First and foremost you need to become aware that the essence of your being is spirit/soul. Being part of God, like your Creator they are eternal and immortal and will never die. The high and holy destiny of evolving into a Christed one, each in their own right, is in store for all of you at the end of your earthly education. When earthly life has nothing left to teach you, your energies will be right for moving on to continuing your studies on the next higher level of My realm, the spirit world. When your time of attending the earthly school of life draws to its natural conclusion, your energies will be right for making a valuable contribution to the greatest miracle of all times and that is the spiritual rebirth of humankind, the whole of your world and everything that shares it with you.

The whole of the decade that started on 1st January 2019 – the beginning of the 2020 period that will end on 31st December 2028 – is under the influence of the Master number 22. During this time increasing numbers of you, hand in hand with the Angels and Me, freely and willingly will turn towards the pathway of bringing forth the characteristics of their higher God or Christ nature. Mastership of your lower nature can only come about when you surrender its drives and urges to your Christ nature. This comes about when you follow the instructions you receive intuitively from the wise one or living God within, i.e. the Angels and Me. To enable ever more of you to walk this road is the wise higher reason why, at the beginning of the year 2019 there was a serious outbreak of the Coronavirus in China and why this threat has taken on pandemic proportions.

The whole of this event is a signal from the Angels and Me that the progress of humankind’s spiritual rebirth can no longer be delayed. That’s why ever more of you are waking up from their spiritual slumber and are becoming aware that: a) on the inner level there is no separation between anything; b) the whole of your world with the inhabitants of all Mother Earth’s kingdoms is one single unit in which everything influences everything else; c) on the inner level the whole of the planet that is at present your home is but one small village in the vastness of My Creation.

Your world consists of two streams of consciousness, a light and a dark one. The former is fed by good, kind and loving thoughts, words and deeds. This stream’s energies are constantly moving every one of you and your whole world with all its other inhabitants forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. That which is still dark and destructive in humankind’s nature and your environment is its crude and unevolved aspect that supports and feeds into the dark stream. In particular this applies to the fears and anxieties that are trying to hold you and your world back in the past, to experience over and again that which has already been dealt with. Because you are ready to move on, this part is merely waiting to be discarded and left behind. Wise ones take care that this does not happen to them. They know that it is in everybody’s own hands to decide which stream they wish to feed and in which direction they wish their destiny to move. Their knowledge helps them to react in positive and constructive ways to everything that comes their way.

Whatever you do, try to bear in mind that nothing in your world or everywhere else in the whole of Creation happens perchance, is an accident or a coincidence. And nothing takes place against the will and wishes of the Angels around My throne and Me or is beyond our reach. That is impossible for the simple reason that we are part of everything just the same as it is part of us. We are the eye that never sleeps, observes and therefore has knowledge of everything that exists in your world and anywhere else. My justice is perfect and there are no errors because it is based on My Universal laws. They ensure that whatever one of you sends into your world in due course returns to them and that in somewhat strengthened form. Every human being potentially is a healer and lightbringer, saviour and redeemer not only of themselves but the whole of humankind. This is because your race’s karmic load is reduced by those whose suffering restores the balance of their spiritual account by pays off their karmic debts.

Nothing comes to your world as some kind of punishment. Everything is the harvest of the seeds that were planted, by each one of you individually as well as collectively, in the course of countless numbers of lifetimes. Some of them took place a long, long time ago. Everything that happens contains some kind of a lesson for those involved. It’s up to each individual to work out what the experience can teach them and how they wish to react to the arising circumstances. The way you do at any given moment reveals to the wise ones of the spirit realm, who are in charge of you and your world, the true level of your spiritual development.

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10 Apr, 2020
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