We're both five foot four,
We hate mac and cheese,
We both dyed our hair blond,
And love watching bees
Twirl lazily.
We grew up together
We're two of a kind,
It's like all our thoughts come
From the very same mind,
A secret place.
Then I started painting
And you started band
So I missed the feeling
Of holding your hand
While we worked.
Commissions began
And performances happened
But that wasn't all
Our friendship was dampened
Beyond that.
We both did our things
And I woke up to find
That somewhere, sometime,
I had left you behind
In a dust cloud.
It wasn't all my fault,
You walked away too
I think that deep down
While it happened we knew
We were drifting.
You moved to Seattle,
And I moved to Maine
I doubt you remember
My face or my name
Is it foggy?
Cause maybe you feel
The same empty as me
Or maybe you found
A new clarity.
Just without me.
Now we're just markings
Two dots on a map
Existing to measure
Our biggest mishap
We're distance.
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