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The thoughts swirled around in my head, like that of a peppermint’s rich colors. Red and white, in what looked like an organized way, but it just whirled around and around. I tried to catch one of the colors, to stop it, yet as I was trying to plan my strategy, the swirls made me quite dizzy. As I sat down, or maybe fell? I found myself sitting on a lilypad. I looked up and instead of seeing swirls, I saw a bright blue sky, one with no worries, only smiles. So I looked down to see if I could lie down to rest in such a serene and tranquil place, but as I looked into that hue of lake water, magnificently blue, the fish seemed to get angry that I was lying there. They tried to push me away from their homes and children’s place of play, and as they rocked me, back and forth, I felt a mighty calming force. The fish stopped hitting, the sky turned black. All of a sudden, I was all alone, no fish or plants. On the shore, I was puzzled how I got there, yet I was overcome with sleepiness that I just layed down.

When I awoke, I found myself still on the sand. I got up and looked around, but the sun was hidden by clouds. I was glad to see that at least there was a little bit of light escaping through the clouds. I thought I might need some sustenance, so I looked for a light snack. There were berries and plants, but I didn't know if they were safe to eat, so I forgoed food for that morning. As I walked into the forest that had limbs stretching to the lake, I saw the clouds lifting. All of a sudden, the sun was beating down on my head, the heat almost unbearable. But I kept on going, and finally I got deep enough into the forest to have shade provided by the trees.

Everything seemed so randomly strung together, like a dream that was made up in the dead of night, yet it wasn't exactly a dream. It just didn't feel completely real either.

Further ahead, I saw a cute little house, and I walked closer to it. Steam rose up from the chimney and I realized it looked like a house from Laura Inglles Wilder’s days. I hesitated to peer into the window, yet I was so intrigued by the sounds rising with the smoke. Inside was a happy family of 7. The mother and father were laughing at something the children had just said. The fire was warm and friendly, but after I thought that I scoffed at myself. Fire cannot be friendly, it destroys and is dangerous. Yet… as I continued to watch the family, it was hard to think anything that happened in that home was nothing but kindness. Now, I watched as the 3 middle children played with their dog and cat, while the oldest was on the phone with his grandparents. He told them how much he loved them. The parents were playing with the baby, who could have been no older than 2 years old. They were showing her how to kindly pet their new puppy the children had gotten just that day.

The family warmed my heart so much that I hardly noticed the bitter cold snow falling upon my head and shoulders. I walked to the door and gently knocked on the mahogany wood. No one heard me, so I knocked again. And again, and again. There was no answer for a few minutes. I walked back to the window and peered through again. They were so lost in their world of love and happiness that they never saw me. I finally got up the courage to place my cold hand on the doorknob and twist it. Again- no. one. Saw. I was so confused as I walked around the house that no one could see me. And then I tapped the mother on her shoulder. But nothing happened.

All of a sudden, I blinked and it was morning time. The mother was standing over the stove, heating something up. A little girl stood by her mother’s side, rubbing her little eyes. She could not have been older than 5. She was absolutely adorable! She looked just like her mother. I heard her ask her mother if she could help her bake something, and her mother said, “Of course, my CoraLynn! Here help me with the muffins.”

CoraLynn… what a pretty name.

I watched as she and her mother made the batter, put in the chocolate chips, and just had fun. The other children woke up, the boy they called James, or Jamie Bear by his mother, whined about not having food ready. His mother leaned over and tousled his hair. She told him to get water and an apple if he was so hungry. His father came in and said, “Mr. Jamie Bear, you making trouble for your momma again? Well, you know what that means!” His father grinned and picked up the boy. He hoisted him over his right shoulder and took him outside. They spun and spun and spun, giggling and laughing. By the time his dad set him on the ground, all the other kiddos were outside crowding their dad, asking for him to spin them too.

Their mom watched them for a minute before calling them inside for breakfast. They all scrambled inside for another famous breakfast from their mom.

I blinked again and at least 8 years had passed. The mother and father looked older. They were on the phone with a doctor.

A whooshing sound blew across my face, and suddenly a few more years passed right in front of me. The family lost their oldest son, to a harsh cancer that fought hard and won. The now family of six tried to regain happiness, but felt like they failed time and time again.

Again right after I blinked, even more years faded away. The family was moving away, or maybe I should say, the parents. The children had long gone, and lived their lives full and strong. Grandchildren huddled round their grandparents one last time, before they moved into a nursing home, too far away to visit often.

I shivered in the cold, closing my eyes to shield them from the snow. I sat down and looked up to see a new family already moved in. I stood up and left, wandering the woods. It looked like a beautiful haven, in a glorious hidden place. But that family I watched grow there, grew old too fast for my taste.

I bumped into a tree, and looked up to see branches perfectly placed to climb. So I climbed to find a place to go, and I saw the lake, frozen over, in this harsh winter weather. I ran to it, but couldn't stop on the edge like I planned. I slipped and slid till I was in the middle of the frozen lake. A crack crunched under my feet. I stood still and didn't have to wait long to figure out my fate. The ice broke and shattered, and I found myself frozen under the ice.

Waking up, I looked around. It was all a dream I smiled, but then I frowned. That family, so sad and broken. What happened to them? Was it real or nothing?

I got out of bed and looked at the clock. It was already 7:30. I walked out of my room and asked my mom for the plans today. She said we would visit a new elderly couple in the nearby nursing home.

It was them.

As the years went by I visited them as much as possible. I learned of their family, and they adopted me in their hearts. Today was the day of his funeral. She died last year. I miss them so much. For I truly loved them and they I. I met their children, and their grandchildren. They are now my aunts, uncles, and cousins. I have a second family. They are my heart family.

The End.

Author Notes: hope you liked it:)
I have my very own 2nd family that sort of inspired this.
If any of my 2nd family reads this, just know, I love you to death. Y'all mean the WORLD to me<3<3

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About This Story
26 Feb, 2021
Read Time
6 mins
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