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Every Day Is A Precious Gift
Every Day Is A Precious Gift

Every Day Is A Precious Gift


God is in everything and everything is God,
And before the Great Father/Mother
We are all equally loved, appreciated and valuable.
The law of life is evolution and our earthly existence is a school
And every human being has to start its learning
At the very base of the evolutionary spiral.
In the course of many lifetimes,
Hand in hand with God and the Angels
Each one of us slowly works their way
Forwards and upwards this spiral
Onto ever higher levels of life.

To enable us to do this,
It is necessary to focus only on that which
Is good, right and beautiful in all situations,
People, animals and things alike.
This is the part of the Divine
All of us gradually have to bring forth,
Each from within the very core of their own being.
In this process we become ever more God-like ourselves
And our connection with God and the Angels
Grows increasingly powerful.

For a long time they have been waiting
That we should begin to consciously work
Hand in hand with them,
So they can show us how, with each new day,
We can do our share of restoring a bit more of
The inner and outer balance of our world,
So that peace may come to us and it at last.

Wise ones, who are aware of these things,
Know that each new day is a precious gift
From God and the Angels.
They make the most of every one
By looking forward to everything it is going to bring.
Resting safely in the knowledge that every bit of it
Is in truth a present from the Highest,
They welcome, greet and bless
Whatever comes their way.

No matter what may befall wise ones,
They remain hopeful and
And hold steadfast onto their dreams.
They willingly follow their inner guidance
And give of their best at all times,
Trusting that the Universal laws
Will see to it that in due course
More of the same will return to them.

Recommended Viewing:
• ‘The Golden Key’

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About This Story
26 Jun, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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