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Fathers leave
Fathers leave

Fathers leave

3 Reviews

My dad sits in front of me. We ran into eachother, and he wanted to talk, but there's nothing to talk about. He left when I was seven years old. I'm now seventeen. There's nothing else to it. He decided that mom and I weren't good enough. So he up and left. He found a new family. I moved on. I don't want to get attached again, just to be ripped apart by him. So I sit silently.

"So, I have a job." He says.

"Cool." I respond.

He shifts in his seat, he seems uncomfortable. But I don't care.

"Look, I was wandering, if you wanted to maybe come over for a weekend. Meet your half siblings." He suggests.

I look icily at him. "You mean the perfect kids that you replaced me with," I spat. "No thanks."

"It's not like that," He starts, before I cut him off.

"It's exactly like that though. You left mom and I for the perfect family." I say bitterly. "Why would you do that? Why were we not good enough for you? Why was I not good enough for you? What did I do?"

"You didn't do anything. I was young, I wasn't ready to be a father. You had nothing to do with it." He says.

I start to tear up. "But you were old enough six months later to father you're new kids right? What did I do for you to leave? What did mom do?"

"Your mother was not a responsible person, I-"

"Don't you dare bad mouth my mother." I growl. "She was there for me. She's still here for me. She was the one who worked an extra job to care for me. She's the one who picked up the peices that you left me in. She's the one that made up excuses as to why you were never around, just so I wouln't blame myself." I get up. "I don't want to ever talk or see you again. You have your new perfect family, and I have mom. Good bye." And with that I spin on my heal and stalk off.

Later as I'm sitting with my friend, I tell her what happened.

"I never understood why he would do that."She says.

I look her in the eyes. "Cause that's the way life is. People are cruel, they don't care about others, and fathers leave." Then I break down.

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29 Jan, 2021
Read Time
2 mins
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5.0 (3 reviews)

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