Forgive Me, My Love
By sadstory
Forgive me love for I have cried. It's only cause you hit me
Forgive me friend for I have lied. It's only cause he hits me.
Forgive me teacher for I have fallen behind. It's only cause he hits me.
Forgive me house for I am yet to unwind. It's only cause he hits me.
Forgive me brother for I know not how to protect you. It's only cause he hits me.
Forgive me sister for there is nothing I can teach to you. It's only cause he hits me.
Forgive me mother for I cant be nonchalant. It's only cause he hits me.
Forgive me father for I know not want you want. It's only cause he hits me.
Forgive me therapist for I must be driving you crazy. It's only cause he hits me.
Forgive me roommate for you must think I'm lazy. It's only cause he hits me.
Forgive me Ex-boyfriend for I broke your heart. It's only cause he hits me.
Forgive me tutor for I'm not that smart. It's only cause he hits me.
Forgive me nurse for I don't come to visit any more. It's only cause he hits me.
Forgive me
Forgive me class for I am shy. It's only cause he hits me.
Forgive me
Forgive me God for I have sinned, not only cause he hits me.
Forgive me world for I'm not perfect.
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