grace and matt,lovers for life
By vampirelover - 1 Review
A dog was grabbing some steak shake from a vender.As he started drinking,he saw a cat,yes,a cat.She was getting some fish from a vender right next to him,but she saw him and just fell in love.Suddenly,dogs and cats stared at them,cats couldn't date dogs,it was banned.Embarressd,he ran out,the cat ran right behind.He ran into a hotel.He ran into an elavotor,he soon saw a cat shadow behind him as he yelled.The elavoter stoped and he fainted outside,kiss's covered his face.He woke up in the cat's arms.She looked very pretty closer,she kissed him,he pushed back,he ran out of her arms.He could see her eyes water,he felt sad,but he kept running.As he got home,he looked out and saw her.Now in a short skirt and tank top,she looked very sexy for the dog,"Damn it!I can't date her,but still,she is sexy,damn it again!"
he said to himself.He was growing feelings for her now,he might even love her soon.If I GET 10 VOTES I WILL POST PART 2!!!!
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