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Happy birthday Jesus
Happy birthday Jesus

Happy birthday Jesus

1 Review

Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow.

I spent Christmas of 2019 sleeping in my moms bed at my grandmas house. My mom was in jail for around a year so she wasn't there to mind. My dad had kicked me out that past summer and no longer wanted contact with me. I just gotten out of a relationship where my fiance was cheating on me with over a dozen different girls- and was on trial for rape the whole time. I had been struggling with serious thoughts and plans of suicide. It was one of the lowest points of my life.

A few days later I accepted Jesus into my life during Passion 2020 New Years and everything about my life changed.

I spent Christmas of 2020 in the same room I slept in before, my moms room. Except this time she was out of jail. Still living on the streets, but came back to my grandmas for the holidays. My mom, uncle, brother, grandma, dog and I spent Christmas Eve watching my home church's service about the love and story of Jesus Christ, my best friend. The savior of my soul. This is the first time all of us have been together in over a decade. And although they were all stoned and drunk, two of them sat through my home's service the whole way through. One left early for sleep, but first asked if we could all pray together. My uncle and I had extensive conversation about Jesus and religion after the service.

I was filled with tears the entire time and still am now, reliving it. God IS faithful, WILL pull through and is with us in every single detail of our lives. He hears our cries and our pain, from the day to day battles to the trauma. He has felt it all and relives it with you and with me everytime we feel it.

Today the savior of the world was born. I love you so much Jesus. Happy birthday.

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About This Story
25 Dec, 2020
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (1 review)

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