By SmileyKitty - 6 Reviews
I hate myself. I hate my looks, my actions, my emotions. I hate who I am. I hate my hair and glasses, my braces and clothes. I hate my clumsy mistakes and accidental rudeness. I hate my mounds of anger built up inside and my inability to stop it from coming out. I hate, I hate, I hate. I know other people who hate me, but most of all it is myself. I hate who I am, I can't stop it, and I can't change, I've tried. I don't know what it is that makes me how I am. I try to like myself, I really do... But I just can't. Please please please help me. And please don't be me. Don't make the mistake I made, like yourself, love yourself, make you the you you want to be. Don't be me.
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