History and the Holocaust

By KeithLankford

Death in the night
Screams unheard
Death out of sight
History unlearned

Peace with treaties
Signed in the night
Royal deities
They plot and they plight

The czars now dead
To Russia they roamed
Rasputin’s influence
Might have came home

Versailles broken
Armies to kill
Built quickly unspoken
Harriman and Bush paid the bill

Brownshirts roamed
Both day and night
Raping, beating, burning
Murdering their right

Cry out as they may
Those who saw truth
The cries went unheard
Their cries were mute

The truth ministry a lie
Hindenburg propaganda flies
Goebbels fact checking game
Hitler the needed name

Yellow Stars
Their all the same
Many bands
Played their names

Families, children sought
Families, children caught
Undressed with little shame
Unknown love much known pain

And they died in the night
As we watched
Unable to save them

And history forgotten is history repeated

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