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I thought I saw a wildebeest... (Purdey, Symes abd Wright - part 6)

I thought I saw a wildebeest... (Purdey, Symes abd Wright - part 6)

By PeterHunter

I thought I saw a wildebeest … (Purdy, Symes and Wright - part 6)

by Peter Hunter

… there were two of them - both nibbling Mum's pink roses that grew up the back wall of her house. Neither were big - about medium dog size, with strange familiar-looking faces - with short upturned tusks protruding from their lower jaws… I should have recognised them but…
… unable to identify them - I found a name in my brain that seemed fitting…
Wildebeest - I knew nothing about what sort of animal a wildebeest was - just that it was strange…
… the animals I was seeing just had to be wildebeest…
Later, telling Symes and Wright at out usual morning conference in the tractor shed what I had seen…
… - Symes laughed at me in that scornful, dismissive way he reserved for little girl cats; 'Purdey you idiot - they were just Muntjac… Muntjac deer - they look different from the usual roebucks, but Muntjac is what they are.
Both live quite near - less than forty metres away - in the clump of bushes opposite…
… just there…' he pointed his big front paw at the clump separating us from the nearest point of the lake.
' silly girl…'


© Peter Hunter 2012

Peter Hunter's full-length works are available on Kindle

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About This Story
22 Jul, 2012
Read Time
1 min
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