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I Wanna Be Just Like You
I Wanna Be Just Like You

I Wanna Be Just Like You

hazel_basilhazel basil
2 Reviews

I love you

and I want to be just like you

though you say you have flaws

I think you're perfect

people say I look like you

we have the same smile

the same laugh

the same hair

people mistake me for you sometimes

we're very similar

we love the same books

we both love our jewlrey

we love a fancy looking shoes

I try to be like you in little ways

an extra piercing because you have one

a new ring that looks just like yours

stealing a little of your perfume

an outfit that looks like you would wear it

I try to be like you in big ways

strong and independent

always winning in an arugument

though we're both stubborn even without us trying

and yes it gets us into heated tension

but I still love you

and I know you still love me

and even though we both have our flaws

I think you're perfect

and I wanna be just like you

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About The Author
hazel basil
About This Story
12 Feb, 2022
Read Time
<1 min
2 (View)
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5.0 (2 reviews)

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