I wonder if anyone ever sees me walking down the hall way and thinks Damn. She looks beautiful.
I wonder if when I don't show up, someone worries about me.
I wonder if when its 90 degrees outside and I'm in long sleeves if anyone thinks to look at my wrists.
I wonder if when I sit alone in the lunchroom, if anyone debates sitting with me.
I wonder if anyone sees me at my locker getting bullied and thinks about defending me.
I wonder if anyone has tried to stop the rumors about me.
I wonder if anyone ever looks at me and wonders if I would go out with them.
I wonder if anyone ever starts to walk up to me but loses their nerve and goes back to their friends.
I wonder if anyone ever thinks about me in a kind way.
I wonder if anyone even cares about me.
I wonder what would happen if I just... died.
I wonder if anyone would notice I was gone.
I wonder...
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