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If I Can Dream
If I Can Dream

If I Can Dream


I dream of a world where
Lights are burning brighter and
Birds flying higher in clearer and bluer skies.
If I can dream of such a better land,
Where all human beings walk hand in hand,
Tell me why, oh why should this dream not come true?

If I can dream that there will be
Peace and understanding sometime,
That winds of Heaven shall blow away
Humankind’s doubts and fears
And take us to the place that’s ruled by
The Christ Star, the Light of all Lights,
That brings new hope to everyone,
Tell me why, oh why should such a place not appear?

Our world has been lost in clouds
That held too much rain.
We’ve been trapped in it and troubled by pain.
But as long as we have the strength to dream,
We can redeem ourselves and our world,
Through learning to fly on the wings of
The Great Mother’s wisdom and truth.

Deep in my heart questions are trembling
And I am sure that the answers
Are going to appear somehow,
For through the darkness of our world
The Christ Light beckons and calls us home
Into the awareness of God’s true nature and our own.
And for as long as I can think,
Talk and stand,
Walk and dream,
I shall believe with all my heart and soul
That my dream is in the process of coming true,
Right here and now.

Aware that our thoughts create our reality,
Instead of dwelling on the unpleasant things
In our world,
I enjoy dreaming and thinking of the new Earth
And so do my share of bringing it about.

Walter Earl Brown
Edited by Aquarius

The original song was made famous by Elvis Presley. It was notable for its use of direct quotations of Martin Luther King, Jr. Elvis recorded it in June 1968, two months after King’s assassination.

Recommended Viewing:
• ‘If I Can Dream’

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2 Jan, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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