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I'll Be There Tonight
I'll Be There Tonight

I'll Be There Tonight

4 Reviews

Tears stream down your face

Once I am done I hope to see no trace

Of the tears that once fell from your eyes

I am sorry for all of the lies

That came out of their mouth

I hope that I can arouse

Good feelings in you

From them you withdrew

You hid in your shell

Drowned in the well

Now your in the afterlife

Up here my laughter dies

I cant wait until I see you again


A thought burst into my head

What if I were dead instead

Then I hear a whispering in my ear

Don’t go yet, its not your year

I decide not to listen to the voice in my head

I take a blade and pull down my wrist it turns red

I wish that I was with him

I was torn apart limb by limb

Why did you leave

I look down at my wrist and pull down my sleeve

Hoping that I will soon be gone from this place

I hope I can pass with grace

I look at the pills bottled up

I hope that the process will speed up

The knife to my wrist

I dig it deep and twist

Water to my lips

Pills in my grip

Rope tied tight

This is going to happen tonight

I step on the chair

Pull up my hair

Small smile on my face

Hopefully this will replace

The pain that you felt

Because I will be with you tonight

Author Notes: I am sorry if this has upset anyone.

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About This Story
11 Jan, 2019
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (4 reviews)

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