I'm a Forgotten Picture Frame
By PoeticT
I sit quietly next to the window,
only opening it ever so slightly ajar..
My bones they feel the whispers
of age clinging to them.
Have you just listened to the
outside world?
So much happening yet
never is it really heard in silence.
I exhale memories with each breath
seeing that which is now past...
If I could capture everyone to give
me that little bit longer, a net into reflections.
Hearing the footsteps, I gaze wearily
they are false hopes walking by...
I was once as you are now, I had a good life.
But know I'm just so lonely, fading into a background.
I turn and listen to the life that is so vibrant
but I'm a forgotten picture frame...
I'm still alive so why did they just leave me here
deceased but alive, I'm a memory that's fading inside.
Author Notes: hoping not to this alone saw a gent just looking out a window...
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