A Journey Into Reality (Ένα Ταξίδι στην Πραγματικότητα)
-From my text on the Logos (The Word).
Our consciousness is awakened by the sounds we hear, the scents we smell, the things we touch, and above all, the reality we see. Our senses witness life unfolding before us. We ask ourselves is that the truth we know of reality, or is there something more that is beyond our perception of it that we have not yet discovered? Thus, we question reality.
We embark on a journey into reality that is both physical and metaphysical in their states of being. It is the sum of all possibilities. It is abstract and eternal like time. It has infinite boundaries to transcend and a transformation that has its own philosophical expansion.
At the core teachings of Meleticism, we are taught to believe that we are the creators of own thoughts, and architects of our own reality revealed. Every fleeting moment is the reminder of the present. We are not powerless to the activity of change. Our bodies evolve with this change as we grow, but their essence remains the same.
Reality is the visualisation of life. The present is just one focus of time in an deep ocean of thoughts, where sequences of time occur all in a simultaneous nature. We can travel in our conscious minds to the past or present, even affecting the outcome of our lives. In the present is when we have the most control of our evolving situation.
Thus, we proceed to experiment the whole experience of living. Time is fluid and moments are like a composite mosaic connected to different periods of time. A plane of existence that co-exists with our parallel reality, where our body is in perfect balance and harmony with the mind and soul. It is a reality that cannot be measured by mere matter or form in the ontological sense. It has an existence that is universal in its underlying nature.
To many people it is a hidden reality that I describe, or one that is too abstract to understand in its basic concept. It is not intricate in its essence. It is instead, intrinsic to our consciousness. It is like walking through an eternal maze that is only as authentic, as one's perception. Reality is continuous and receptive to change, but we are not continuous.
We eventually cease to exist. It could seem to us that time dictates reality, when it is the opposite. Reality dictates time. Time operates within the state of reality exposed. Our eyes simply observe that which our conscious minds perceive in the end. It is like being inside a prism that reflects a visible spectrum. We only see the colourful lights, but our perception is telling us that there is something more.
It is the interior to our consciousness. A place where we discover the existence of the Enas. It is the One, not a divine god that our consciousness discovers in this surreal realisation. Reality in itself has the appearance of many images and forms. It is its true essence that remains unchangeable. Reality could resemble a perfect illusion, and to some people it is construed as that. We tend to define reality by matter.
However, the ultimate embodiment of reality is the Enas. Discovering the Oneness of the Enas is to understand the nature of universal existence. We exist within the established boundaries and structure of reality, but our thoughts, intuition and creativity are not restricted to the material world that represents our model of reality. They are unique things that define the world of ideas.
Once we remove the veil of reality, we are allowing the boundless exploration of our consciousness. The One is an inimitable reality that is reflected in the truth, and its concept is philosophical. It reveals its presence to us, with the purity of its Oneness.
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