Four spaces of your right hand,
filling four spaces of my left.
Hands bound tightly ,
keeping the moment here,
our gift.
I know this time may be brief,
wayfaring you may long.
So for now we walk quietly,
leaving footsteps here,
our song.
When we get to where we’re going
you’ll ask me to hold you close.
I’ll pick you up into my arms
and whisper I love you most.
Your magic in this moment,
It fuels joy into my soul.
With an imagination like that,
oh, the places you will go.
Truth is, I truly miss you,
though at least I know,
you have a golden heart glimmering
and a compassionate soul.
Soon enough you will be
a young man, standing six feet tall
Whom then may understand
why I cried to see you crawl.
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