Most people dream of falling in love with their perfect soulmate and running off into the sunset with them. I did too. Sadly, I have had a lot of confusing relationships and a lot of painful experiences relating to love. Sometimes, it's hard to tell the difference between flirting and being nice. I wish I knew how to because if I did, I would have saved myself a lot of time. I know I'm not alone with this but it hurts at lot to see your ex flirting with someone new, getting into a relationship and going on dates. I feel like I might have a crsh but if I act on it and they don't feel the same way, it will ruin our friendship which I value. So I have to do something very hard. I have to hold back to save our friendship. But maybe in the future, who knows in the soon future or in the far off future, I will say something. Right now though, I'm going to focuse on myself and only myself.
Author Notes: True story and I hope you guys liked it!
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