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Miracles And Wonders (24)
Miracles And Wonders (24)

Miracles And Wonders (24)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

Healers And Healing

Be patient whenever someone around you still thinks that Jesus Christ is the saviour and redeemer of those who believe that he exists and that, one fine day, he will reappear on the earthly plane, to save and redeem them and take them to Heaven, where they will be dwelling with him, forever and ever. There is no need to even try to turn them away from what to them, after all, so far is the truth. Treat them like young and shy horses and, as gently as possible, lead them to the clear waters of a better understanding.

Choose your words carefully, so people can see for themselves that the tale of the God-man Jesus always has been and forever will be nothing more than a story. The words that have been hiding behind the surface words of this tale all along, are the truth. In truth, Jesus is symbolism of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. Only when the right evolutionary level has been reached, this aspect wakes up from its slumbering state in every human being. This is what it has been doing since the beginning of every individual’s evolutionary journey. If your friend’s has reached the point when a better understanding of itself and its ultimate destiny. as a young God in the making, will begin to creep into their consciousness. They will then be ready to understand of what’s going to happen to them, the same as every other human being, when the time for it has come.

The Jesus story was inspired by us, so it could be used during the period in which ever more of the truth was removed from your world. Stories like these have been an essential aspect of teaching humankind the value of truth. The false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices that, during this time, darkened humankind’s horizons of spiritual understanding, by now have served the purpose for which they were created. The deeper your world penetrates into the Aquarian energies, the more of God’s sacred wisdom and truth will become known, not just to you but everybody. For quite some time by now, they have been flowing directly from our minds into the heartminds of those who are ready to receive and understand. That’s why ever more of it has, for some time, has been reappearing in your world, for example through the Aquarian writings.

The time has come when ever more of you are going to find out who and what Jesus truly was, and that the true nature of every human being is that of a young God in the making, nothing more and nothing less. And this is why we suggest that you treat like young and shy horses those who, to this day, believe that Jesus really exists. Take them to the clean and pure waters of consciousness that want to provide them with a better understanding, but resist the temptation of trying to push their heads into these waters. If their evolutionary journey has not yet reached the point of understanding what’s before them, step back and leave them to their own devices. It’s just that their time for understanding has not yet come. Rest assured that it will, in due course. Then they will drink, of their own accord, freely and willingly, and probably never stop drinking again.

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From ‘Healers And Healing’

Sharing The Christ Light

To assist with the healing of our world, the main task for aspiring healers and lightbringers is sharing the light of the spiritual knowledge we are receiving with as many as possible of those around us. The more we do this in a friendly and non-aggressive manner that equally embraces all belief systems of our world, the quicker all darkness will go from it. All we have to do is speak our truth, without insisting that we are right. Truth speaks for itself and those who are ready to receive it will understand. The others are going to come to it later when the time is right for them. Naturally, talking alone is no good to anyone. It is necessary to walk our talk and live our truth, setting a good example that others may wish to follows. More about this later.

The early Christians, as well as their adversaries, were the pioneers of the outgoing Piscean Age. The symbol of Pisces is two fish that are tied together in the middle. One fish is swimming up the river of life and the other one down. Interestingly, the symbol of the early Christians was a fish and the same as they were in their time, all who are presently taking part in earthly life are the pioneers of the Aquarian Age. It is believed to have started around 1900 AD, but there are definite signs that even before that humankind was beginning to stir from its spiritual slumbers. There is a great deal of evidence all around that this process is relentlessly speeding up.

At any given time in the development of our race, the more highly evolved souls have been required to act as the leaven in the bread of humankind. The Age of Aquarius requires from all of us that we develop our latent healing abilities and intuitive faculties. The Angels can then use us as channels through which the Christ light and its healing energies can flow into the whole of our race, our planet and all its lifeforms. Every human soul carries the Divine spark within and is therefore potentially waiting to be roused from its spiritual slumber. Each one of them requires the assistance of friendly and kind-hearted human beings, as much as the help of spirit guides and helpers who are eagerly reaching out from the world of spirit to all of us on the Earth plane.

The main object of every healer’s pathway is making their contribution towards raising human consciousness. We are here to freely, willingly and unselfishly help others to rediscover and get in touch with the small still voice of living God within, the inner teacher and guru who knows the way of all things. We are here to play the role of seed spreaders, just like the birds are doing on the outer plane of life. Each time we share some of the wisdom we have picked up on our pathway through life, we are making another contribution towards thinning the clouds of the darkness of ignorance, false beliefs and superstitions that to this day abound in our world. Our friends and helpers in the world of light are teaching us in line with the instructions they receive from the Highest and Its messengers, the Angels. Hand in hand with all of them we shall be working until every last shred of the inner and outer gloom of our world has been dissolved.

Going about our work as seed spreaders, there’s no longer any need for proselytising or missionary work. The experiences of the past have taught humankind that efforts of that nature as often as not brought more misery and suffering than good into our world. We are here to conduct our lives as good examples to those around us. In my view this is best done by living modestly, responsibly and carefully, showing a high regard for Mother Earth’s wellbeing. In our prayers, meditations and contemplations our planet needs to be lifted into the healing radiance of the Christ Star. In submission to the Highest force of Creation, we can ask for Its healing prayers to flow through us into everything that is in our world, so God and the Angels can guide us into doing the right things to make our world into a more peaceful one.

Our race’s spiritual homecoming is not some kind of competition. There is no need for spiritual athletics and tightrope-walking – that’s not what we are here for. As healers of the Aquarian Age we have missionary work of a different kind to do. It consists of dropping an occasional pearl from the wisdom we have found into the cup of wine that is the consciousness of the people around us. Never overdo things and take special care not to destroy any ladders your sisters and brothers are still climbing on. That’s not what we are here for. I believe that much more can be achieved by kindly and lovingly trying to expand the other’s vision of life a bit – no more. Drop your pearl gently, then walk away and allow time to dissolve it. Trust that each time one of life’s pupils is ready to move forward and to find out more about its true nature, a teacher will always to be found. Do your bit and then step aside and let God and the Angels do the rest of the work for you.

Do not go in too heavy handed, but wait for an opportunity to arise and when it does, encourage people to talk about themselves. When you listen carefully, you will find that many quite happily tell you about their most difficult, traumatic and most intimate experiences. In this way you may find to your amazement that there is no such thing as a dull person. Everybody has a story to tell and underneath it all, in almost everybody there is a distressed soul, who is trying to make some sense of their earthly existence and calling out for help to find some.

When the other one has told their tale, try to explain to them how you view things. It is not really necessary to mention that you do this from a spiritual standpoint; some people are put off by this. Be gentle, possibly starting with something like: ‘I don’t know what you believe, but to me the concept of Karma and reincarnation makes a lot of sense, nothing else does. That’s why I believe in it.

For example, I cannot – for the life of me – share the Christian view that life is just a one-off thing. To me, life is too precious and important for that. When I look around, I see that some are rich, while others are poor, some are lucky and others downright unlucky, some are always ill and others never seem to ail anything. If all that happened by accident and at random, life would be nothing but a very ugly, unjust and unfair joke. But I believe that there is a great plan of life, that all life is subject to Universal laws and that life is so good and beautiful, fair and just that it’s hard to grasp by human minds.’

Should the other person want to find out more, you might like to add: ‘I do believe in God, a loving and benevolent Creator, who created all this, including you and me. And I do believe that this life is a good one. It’s just quite different from what most people have believed in the past and many still believe to this day. When one understands the processes of life and its spiritual background a bit better, one can easily recognise that there never was a man by the name of Jesus who walked in our midst. The story of his life was but a legend that all along has been trying to bring us the message that our God is love and light. And I know in here – point to your heart – that this is true!’

Let the other one explain what they believe in. And at whatever stage you end your dialogue, give them time so that what you shared with them can sink into their consciousness. Know that truth always speaks for itself, so do not try to convince anyone. Just provide food for thought – no more. And always stress that those are your beliefs that support and sustain you, and that they help you to trust life, but that they do not necessarily have to be shared by anyone. Use your intuition and walk away. You have given them something to think about, maybe no more than a different slant on things and a chink of light that will be trying to find its way into the darkness of their soul consciousness. You have done your best, step back and let God and the Angels do the rest.

When the Angels inspired the writing of the Jesus legend, they were well aware that healers and lightbringers on the spiritual pathway require the help of the Great Father/Mother much more than unawakened souls. Through the esoteric truths that are hidden behind the surface words of the Jesus legend the Universal Christ speaks to the awakened ones. The Angels know about and sympathise with the many tests and trials, struggles and failures we encounter on the healing journey back into the conscious awareness of our oneness with God and all life. They are empowered to provide us with all the help we shall ever require on our way forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

Here is some advice from the Mexican poet, A. Nervo: ‘About sublime and essential things do not talk to all, but seek the level of those you converse with, so as not to humble or distress anyone. When with the frivolous, be as frivolous as they are, gently dropping a petal from the flower of your dreams into their cup of frivolity. If they are not ready for it, be on your way smilingly, because you know that they will come to what you have found in their own time. Should someone pick up your petal, examine it and inhale its fragrance, carefully and discreetly allow them a few more glimpses of what grows in your magic inner garden. Tell them of the invisible Divinity that surrounds and penetrates everything. Maybe thoughts and feelings of love will enter their minds, to act as a key and an ‘open Sesame’ of the door to the only true freedom there is for humankind: spiritual freedom!’

With love and light,

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16 Aug, 2022
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