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Miracles And Wonders (51)
Miracles And Wonders (51)

Miracles And Wonders (51)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Thoughts For Today 2nd October 2022

From ‘Our World In Transition’

Love : The New World Order

Music was my first love
And it will be my last.
Music of the future
And music of the past.

To live without music for me
Would be impossible to do.
In this world of troubles,
Music helps me through.

John Miles

On the 19th January 2021 at 20.40 hrs Greenwich Meantime, the Sun moved into the fixed Air sign Aquarius. It’s astrological symbol is the Waterbearer. Should you be unfamiliar with the meaning of this, go to my ‘Interpretations of the Sun Signs’ on Booksie. Aquarius is the sign in which humankind’s highest hopes, dreams and aspirations not only can but also will find fulfilment, when the necessary groundwork has been done. One of the co-rulers of this sign is Saturn. This planet represents the stern and undeviating aspect of the Great Father/Mother that demands self-discipline and self-mastery from every one of their children of the Earth. Without them no-one can be released into the greater freedom of the Aquarian age.

The second co-ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, whose energies can bring about sudden and drastic changes in circumstances, for our whole world and everything within it. Usually, only when the dust has settled after a while, we recognise that the change has been for the better and that it has moved us forward on the evolutionary spiral. The Uranian energies also are of an iconoclastic nature and every one of us is provided with a certain amount of this power, to be used when the right time for doing so has come. At least potentially, these energies enable us to smash to smithereens that which has outlived its usefulness, for ourselves, for the whole of humankind as well as its world. The Aquarian energies can be used for getting rid of any icon and that, for the time being, still applies in particular to making of money.

And that’s also how the old religions have been shrinking away, for quite some time by now. There is no doubt in my mind that the war machinery manufacturers are bound to follow in their footsteps. And after having shown themselves in their true colours and revealed their real intentions, who will continue to trust the products of the pharma industry? For quite some time, they too have been in the process of being replaced by natural healing methods and, by now, ever more of us are learning to tap into the Universal blessing and healing energies. Being free of charge, they are available by day and night to anyone who asks for them. All we have to do is tune the receiver/transmitter station of our earthly mind into the frequencies of the Highest levels of life, and then ask God and the Angels that their healing energies should fill our whole being and attend to that which is troubling us. From there these energies will quite naturally continue their journey and flow to wherever someone is in need of healing.

But now, let’s take a closer look at the words at the head of this chapter. They could have been written for me or even by me. Since the days of my childhood the words of songs have been just as important to me as their melodies. Both together have a wondrous ability of starting to talk and telling me things I was up to then unaware of. That’s what happened to me the other day about our world’s present situation. A song came to mind that reminded me of standing by a campfire in the Kieler Bay on the Baltic sea, in the year 1948. It was shortly after the end of the currency reform that gave Germany the Deutschmark.

I was eleven years old at the time. The Second World War from 1939-1945 with its Nazi dictatorship lay behind us. Alas, on top of it the German civilian population had to endure three more years of severe hardships when people had to survive on a near starvation diet that had been designed by the American Morgenthal plan. Read more about these times by following the relevant links at the end of this chapter.

Exceptionally cold winters also had to be dealt with. Our family, the same as millions of others, did not have enough to eat for their rapidly growing children. There were four of us who had not enough warm clothes and sometimes were without shoes on our feet. On several occasions, my mother did not send us to school because of it, which got her into difficulties with some of our teachers. Only small amounts of fuel were available for keeping warm. And yet, our family was among the comparatively rich!

At the end of those nine years, everybody was looking for something good to happen in our world. It came about for my middle sister and me when we were allowed to join the Falcons, a German socialist movement for children and young people. Before and during the war, the Nazi regime had tried to suppress and eradicate the original and old-established socialist movement and all its organisations, including the Falcons. Fortunately, they did not succeed. By now, the Falcons have a history of over ninety years behind it. To this day, they organise camps and other spare time activities. They encourage the country’s youngsters to think in terms of democracy and social justice, equality and beneficial general changes to their society.

And that takes me back to the Kieler Bay. In the evenings we gathered around a campfire and sang the new songs we were learning, as well as older ones. One of my favourites was a song from the Russian revolution. Someone had translated its words into German. I remember how they were ringing a chord deep within me and that’s probably why to this day I have neither forgotten the melody of this song nor its words that speak of freedom, justice and solidarity.

It was the German music interpreter and conductor Hermann Scherchen, 1891-1966, who got to know this song during his time as a Russian prisoner of war in Latvia, at the beginning of the First World War 1914. He wrote the song’s German text in 1918, shortly after getting home at the end of the war. The melody is taken from a Russian student song and it’s original Russian text was written by Leonid Petrovich Radin, 1860-1900.

Scherchen came across this song for the first time when he was travelling on a train on which political prisoners were also transported through Moscow; they were singing this song. Not surprisingly, it went from strength to strength and with the passing of time took its rightful placed alongside the ‘International’ and other songs of this nature. Communist and socialist parties and organisations adopted it as their battle hymn. The Nazis published it from 1934 in one of their songbooks. It was adopted as the battle song of the Nazi SA or Sturmabteilung, i.e. storm detachment. The SA was the party’s original paramilitary wing that played a significant role in Hitler’s rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s.

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Love : The New World Order

Music Of Future And Past (2)

Longing For Freedom

To my mind, the spirit of the Aquarian age could not be any better expressed than through this song. I was hoping to translate its words for you, but alas stumbled over the very first one. It is ‘brothers’ and considering that equal rights for both genders have been with us for quite a long time, that goes very much against the grains with me. I settle for ‘comrades’; aren’t we all ‘comrades in arms’? Fortunately, our arms have nothing in common with military weapons. They are the loving arms of the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ Spirit and It’s Light. So here we go:

‚Brüder, zur Sonne, zur Freiheit. Brüder zum Licht empor!’ Comrades, to the Sun, to Freedom. In the spiritual sense, light has two meanings. The first one is the life-giving and –supporting light and warmth of the Sun in the sky above us. The second is the light of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, which for a long time remained hidden behind the surface words of the sacred texts of our world’s religions, as well as this song. But at long last, ever more spirit/souls are developing the ability of flying on the wings of their spiritual knowledge and understanding. This enables them to lift themselves and the whole human race into the light of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, to find new hope, faith and trust in the goodness of their existence.

Every human being has the birthright to eventually discover their own inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, who knows the way of all things and the answers to any question we may ever care to ask. The spiritual light that then comes to us has the power of shining into the darkest corners of our earthly existence. It has the power of cleansing every one of us from that which still appears to be dark, ugly and evil in our own nature as well as our world. In truth, however, nothing is truly evil, because it is but the crude and unevolved manifestation of something. This applies as much to you as it does to me.

With the help of a better understanding of our own true nature and God’s wisdom and truth, the second meaning of light brings about spiritual growth. The Universal Christ is the Sun behind the Sun and the Light of all lights. That’s how It’s light and warmth, in those two ways by day and night, shines through the Sun in the sky above our world into everything that takes part in it.

The freedom the song speaks of is that of the Aquarian age. It is the age of rebellion and revolution, during which honesty and truth will gradually emerge as our world’s supreme ruling forces. Aquarian freedom consists of the freedom of believing only what our inner guidance, through the world of our feelings, says is true! Even if it isn’t for anybody else – as yet.

‚Hell aus der dunklen Vergangenheit leuchtet die Zukunft hervor.’ From the darkness of past ages and times that taught us what kind of damage lying, cheating and deceptions can do, individually and collectively. The future of a new golden age of knowledge and truth, with plenty for all and the end of suffering and even death, radiates from the darkness of the past of not knowing and understanding who and what we truly are. In spite of ‘the slings and arrows of outrageous fortunes’, as Shakespeare wrote, in the course of many lifetimes, every one of us steadily progresses forwards and upwards on their own evolutionary spiral and that of our world.

This continues until we have become enlightened enough to realise that in truth everybody is a spark of the Universal Christ’s light. Therefore, we are young Gods in the making who are serving the first part of their apprenticeship in the earthly school of life. With the passing of time, it dawns on us that God is in everything that exists in the whole of Creation, that love is of God but so is hatred. In the course of many earthly lifetimes, every human being – without exception – is walking the road of overcoming and leaving the latter behind and that can only be done through bringing forth and developing the former.

That’s how, each in their own right, evolves into a Christed one, eventually, who realises that we ourselves are God and that our earthly education’s purpose all along has been the development of the higher and highest aspects of God’s nature and our own, for our own benefit and that of the whole of humankind and our world. And that’s how, hand in hand with God and the Angels, we and our world for a long time have been marching, steadily and unstoppably, along the road of enlightenment for all. There is nothing that can halt or even delay our evolutionary progress and the coming of a new golden age, because these things were written in God’s great evolutionary plan for humankind and its planet, when both of them first came into being.

‚Seht, wie ein Zug von Millionen endlos aus Nächtigem quillt, bis unserer Sehnsucht Verlangen Himmel und Nacht erfüllt!’ Our race’s longing for true freedom has been filling Heaven and Earth, by day and by night and that for a long, long time. God and the Angels have always responded to our yearning, in their own way. But now at last the time is right for millions of us to emerge from the darkness of not knowing and understanding. Through finding out where they are coming from and going to, the state of slavery for increasing numbers of people has reached its end. They are no longer allowing themselves to be led by their noses, like sheep to the slaughter, by the greed and avarice of anyone.

Those characteristics are the driving forces behind our world’s present situation, just as much as they were with the religions of the past, the manufacturing industry of war machinery and, for some years by now, the pharma industry. The only God or icon all of them ever truly served was the one of moneymaking.

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Love : The New World Order

Music Of Future And Past (3)

Ending All Slavery

‚Brüder, in eins nun die Hände. Brüder, das Sterben verlacht! Ewig der Sklaverei ein Ende. Heilig die letzte Schlacht.’ United we stand and what doesn’t make us weaker, makes us stronger. So let’s reach out for each other and walk hand in hand with God and the Angels. Let’s laugh about the notion of death, because it simply does not exist. We merely move forwards to a different dimension of life, the spirit realm, humankind’s true home. That’s where every spirit/soul merely goes at the end of each earthly lifetime and re-emerges when the gift of a new one has been granted.

It’s only a thin veil that separates our two worlds from each other. Whenever we move behind the veil, we can join one of the numerous groups of spirit guides and helpers. From that world we can support our loved ones on this side more effectively than we ever could before. The spirit realm is the inner part of our world. It is part of us and with us, even though our earthly eyes cannot see it. It’s neither ‘out there’ nor ‘up there’ somewhere.

And humankind’s last battle is a holy one because it consists of the awakening of every one’s own higher God or Christ nature. With the passing of time, all Divine sparks slowly and steadily absorb ever more of the Christ Star’s light. As soon as one of them has done so sufficiently, which happens for all of us at a certain developmental point, their higher God or Christ nature gradually takes over its counterpart, the earthly personality. It usually surrenders itself without too much struggle, glad to be guided intuitively by God and the Angels, and their spirit helpers.

The word ‘Islam’ means surrender. Its true meaning is every earthly human being surrendering itself, freely and willingly, to its higher God or Christ nature. This surrender is holy because it takes place on a different level, i.e. everybody’s own inner spiritual plane. It consists of overcoming and leaving behind that which is crude and unevolved, in our own nature and our world. The only purpose these things ever served were waiting to be transformed into something that is good, right and beautiful.

Attending to this is not really a battle and it’s not even evil. It just means recognising that which has become undesirable and no longer suits our own evolutionary requirements and our world’s. These aspects need to be accepted and then, individually and collectively, freely and willingly surrendered to the hopes, dreams and aspirations of humankind’s higher God or Christ Self. When ever more of us work along these lines of unfolding and developing their Divine qualities, the Christ Spirit of our whole world is born. The Jesus tale’s birth of the Christ child represents this process that eventually takes place in every one of us and our world.

That’s how the last holy ‘battle’ is going to bring about the end of all oppression and slavery, especially of the spiritual kind. This battle is meant to be won by every one of us, and that without a drop of blood being shed. And that’s what we are in the middle of experiencing. Thanks and praise be to the Highest that Mother Earth and the inhabitants of all her kingdoms have at last reached this developmental phase.

Thanks and praise also to our spirit friends and helpers who are intuitively showing ever more of us what kind of contribution they can make to this process. How about now tuning the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind into the frequencies of the Highest, so that the Great Father/Mother’s wisdom and truth can flow through you into our world with ever increasing strength? So that, from the darkness of the past’s lying and cheating, corruption and dishonesty, radiates ever more strongly the light of the golden age when honesty and truth, wisdom and love will be our world’s only and supreme rulers.

People will then be supporting and helping each other, instead of doing their best to rob and exploit those around them. The perfect justice of God’s Universal law of cause and effect or Karma will be well known by everybody and nobody will have any difficulties conducting their lives in keeping with the Universal laws.

As touched upon earlier, the Aquarian age is a period for rebellions and revolutions. The present one will be fought with the conscious awareness that love and thought are the two most powerful weapons that exist in the whole of Creation. Therefore, kind, loving and forgiving thoughts are the most powerful weapon that can be wielded by anyone, by day and night, anywhere. If we join forces and come together as a group, we are strong and when we are working hand in hand with God and the Angels we are invincible!

On the inner level there is no separation between anything. All life is one. Love and friendship are the themes of the Aquarian age and these bonds connect all of us with each other, those who are aware of what kind of beneficial energies are influencing our whole world with ever increasing strength, as well as those who so far have no idea it.

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Love : The New World Order

Music Of Future And Past (4)

The Yoke Around Humankind’s Neck

My inner guidance tells me that, when Scherchen heard this song at the end of World War I, the Highest Forces of life inspired him to express not only his own yearning for the freedom of the Aquarian age, but also for the whole of humankind. That’s how he contributed such a long time ago, in his own unique style, to bringing about the end of a world in which trouble and strife, lying and cheating, exploitation and slavery had been the order of the day for a very long time.

As soon as we become aware of our true nature and that our earthly existence serves a wise higher purpose, we can no longer be forced into taking part in wars that are not our concern, in which we have no interest whatever and are unwilling to fight for the power crazy ones and money spinners of our world. We yearn for a world that’s simply at peace. And that’s how the German version of this song came into being.

What’s at present happening in our world is not unlike the senseless slaughtering of people, for the sake of satisfying the greed and avarice of two money-printing weapon manufacturers, who are responding to each other in World War I and II, whose latest inventions are making the killing of millions ever easier. It seems to me that the only difference is that this time one part of the pharma industry produced first one aspect of its weapon, i.e. the fear of ill health and death through virus infections. Viruses are ideal because their presence is much more difficult to prove than anything else. Part two of the pharma industry’s weapon is rushing out vast amounts of serum that are bound to be of doubtful quality. Never mind, the industry hopes and dreams that eventually every country in our world will make vaccinations with one of their serums compulsory for all its citizens.

What they are not aware of is that, with the help of God and the Angels, the Aquarian age will continue to take humankind forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral, until the end of all kinds of slavery has been achieved. First in line is the spiritual slavery that was inflicted upon humankind by our world’s old religions with their false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices. Their true purpose in life also was money spinning and that through various types of warmongering that unashamed robbed people of their resources. The warmongering stayed, merely the weapons changed with the passing of time.

In the six thousand years of patriarchy, first the religions with their false beliefs of all-male God-heads appeared. When they eventually lost their grip on their ideas of ruling our world, manufacturers of ever more sophisticated war machinery entered the picture. In different countries they were helping each other to become ever richer. And for some time by now viruses have been taking their place and the pharma industry is doing their best to convince humankind that the only way of surviving at all is accepting their vaccinations. The driving force always has been the greed of the industries involved and pushing the whole train along, from behind invariably has been and still is FEAR!

That’s how, from time to time, a different lot of troublemakers and scaremongers manage to rule our world’s roost for a while. They stay until someone else’s turn has come to frighten people out of their wits. Fear is the worst yoke that all human beings for a long time carry around their necks. And as I know from first hand experience, it’s an exceedingly difficult one to remove. But we are not alone in this and it can be done. With the help of God and the Angels all things are possible and they have been waiting for a long time to intuitively show us how to go about it. All we have to do is ask!

To my mind, the worst slavery of all throughout the ages has been believing that every word of our world’s sacred texts is literally true. For long enough they have kept us away from finding out who and what we truly are and what God really means. For example, Jesus is not a historical figure who once walked in our midst and who save and redeem us, if we believe in him. The God-man, half human and half God, is a symbolism of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. That is the only one in the whole of Creation who really can save and redeem us, namely we ourselves have to do it. Nobody will come and wave some kind magic wand over us, to do it for us. Heaven and hell are not places that anyone ever went to. They are states of consciousness which human beings are capable of creating for themselves and people and animals alike around them.

There never was an all-male Godhead of Father and Son. In truth, the Divine Trinity has always consisted of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ Spirit and Its Light. Things like these are the yokes that have been waiting for a long time to be removed from every human being’s neck. As soon as that has been done, no kind of troublemaker and scaremonger will ever be able to deceive us. When our opinions are solidly based on what our inner guidance, the wise one or loving God within, in any given moment tells us intuitively is right or wrong for us, truth or lie, no-one can lead us astray or prevent us from coming to our own conclusions and using our own judgment,

Through the awareness of who and what we truly are, what we always have been and forever will be, that our true nature is love, that from love we have come and to love we are going, individually and collectively, our earthly self’s fears melt away like snow before the warmth and love of the Sun. And who and what is the Sun in the sky above us? One of the many physical manifestations of the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights, the Universal Christ’s light.

One of these days, the whole of humankind will have reached the state of fearlessness. That’s when humankind’s longing and dreaming of living in world, whose outer and inner plane is filled with nothing but peace that will last forever and never go away. The more we yearn, with our whole being for the appearance of such a world, the more it fills Heaven and Earth, the more millions are going to emerge from the darkness of their spiritual ignorance into the radiance of the Aquarian age’s light of honesty and truth. And here at last is the song in its original version:

Brüder, zur Sonne, zur Freiheit,
Brüder zum Licht empor!
Hell aus der dunklen Vergangenheit
leuchtet die Zukunft hervor.

Seht, wie ein Zug von Millionen
endlos aus Nächtigem quillt,
bis unserer Sehnsucht Verlangen
Himmel und Nacht erfüllt!

Brüder, in eins nun die Hände.
Brüder, das Sterben verlacht!
Ewig, der Sklaverei ein Ende,
Heilig die letzte Schlacht.

Heinrich Scherchen 1918

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Love : The New World Order

Music Of Future And Past (5)

The Magic Of Music

Music is one of the most essential parts of the great Mother of all life. I am the feminine wisdom and love aspect of the Divine Trinity and the soul of the whole of Creation. Music is My voice that informs your world about the harmonies of the Heavenly Fields, on the highest levels of life. With the help of poets and composers who are serving Me, I share them with you on the earthly plane. The magic of My music has always captivated the senses of human beings, so that I could communicate with them more easily. Since time immemorial, making music and listening to it has had the power of lifting humankind above the trouble and strife of their earthly existence and lifting them into My loving arms.

I inspire the making of instruments and the musicians who use them. They, like everything in the whole of Creation, are constantly moving forwards and upwards on their personal evolutionary spiral of life and that of the whole humankind. That’s why I constantly encourage them to aim for ever better sounds that please them, their listeners and also Me. I am mistress and servant alike, not only of those who dwell on the earthly plane but also those who on that plane are believed to be dead, when in truth the essence of their being, their spirit/soul is alive and well in My world, the spirit realm. That’s humankind’s true home, from which you emerge at the beginning of each lifetime and return to when it has run its course.

As the feminine aspect of the Divine Trinity, I am eternal and immortal and so is every one of you. My music responds to the needs of all who are taking part either side of the thin veil that separates your two worlds from each other. In days gone by, I used to accompany you into battle and was there each time some physical remains were laid to rest in a grave. My vibrations have the power of making humankind laugh and rejoice, weep and mourn, wonder and worship. My sound can tell stories of love and hate, of souls who have been condemned as well as redeemed. Your prayers fly on My wings and take you into My world.

I am part of the smoke that falls over battlefields, where people are dying and thinking of their loved ones. Each one of you can only learn through their own experiences that there is no glory in warmongering, merely suffering and dirt, pain and blood, as well as tears for your own misery and of those you are leaving behind.

I reach and comfort human spirit/souls when their earthly selves have to wade through the depths of depression and despair, because of the karmic debts they themselves have created in other lifetimes or earlier in this one. I open human hearts to love and I am as much present and at home on marriage altars, as christening fonts and funerals. Each time someone stands at the open grave of a loved one, who has been called home into the world of light, I console those who are left behind. I heal the inner wound that was caused by the other person’s leaving.

I am but one of the many qualities and gifts of the great Father/Mother of all life. I am the Goddess and God is My masculine counterpart. I serve Him and the whole of our creation, and vice versa. Before Me everybody is equal. Kings and their servants alike are My slaves. In the school of earthly life, I communicate with you in many different ways. The birds of the air, the insects in the fields, the crashing of waves on ocean shores and the wind sighing in the trees, all are speaking My language. And once you have become aware of My presence, you can perceive me anywhere, even in the chatter of voices and the clatter of wheels on city streets.

All life is My family and you are as much part of Me as I am part of you. The very best as well as the worst is in every one of you. And all of you are instruments that were created to serve us, the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and our only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ spirit’s light. We in turn serve you. You are like us and we are like you. We have never left any one of you. During your race’s most traumatic experiences, the voice of My music has always served you upfront. I was there and I will never leave you. Each time one of you is wounded in mind and body, spirit and soul, listening to Me comforts and heals.

I am the inspiration behind all works of art. That’s the way I enjoy expressing and experiencing myself through you most. I have always inspired your world’s writers of poetry and prose, as well as your composers. To this day, I get some of you to write poems and others to set them to music, so that My messages can reach millions of you in this way. Some of you can use words and music together for the blessing and healing of the whole of humankind. Such gifts take many lifetimes to develop.

Everybody is gifted in some special way and the quality of what you produce depends on which evolutionary level you have reached, at any given moment and how well the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind is tuned into our frequencies. That’s how I inspired Aquarius to bring this to you. I hope that it encourage ever more of you, My beloved children of the Earth, to take to the wings of your own creative imagination. The Angels and I can then assist you to lift yourself, the whole of humankind and your world, to experience ever higher levels of life, whilst still taking part in earthly life but adding a touch of the magic and beauty of My world to everything you do.

The cosmic dance of your solar system’s planets is constantly making a sound that in your world is known as the music of the spheres. It’s My voice that always has and forever will be accompanying every one of you and the whole of Mother Earth with all here kingdoms on their journey forwards on an upwards winding spiral, in keeping with the Father’s great evolutionary plan. Every planet and house of the zodiac has a different lessons to teach and therefore plays a unique kind of music, during the times you spend attending the earthly school of life.

Whilst there, learn to pay attention to the birds, but not only their songs. They are My messengers and I am the one who orchestrates them and their movements. If you watch them, their behaviour patterns can give you valuable clues about your own motivations and what’s happening in the world around you. Their mere presence has always been trying to tell you that, in spite of the fact that you are tied to the earthly plane by your physical body for a certain length of time, your spirit/soul remains free. Every one of you has been provided with wings, just like the birds, and that’s your imagination because it enables you to go wherever and whenever you wish. As soon as you think of a place, even if it is in one of the farthest and remotest corners of Creation, you are instantly there.

And when you do not listen to the song of birds with your mind alone, you can sense the vibrations of their joy and happy feelings stir in you. They too are wings on which every one of you has the power of lifting themselves above the conditions of their earthly existence onto the higher and eventually highest levels of My realm. That’s how you can release yourself, at least for a while, from whatever could be troubling you at any given time. Music vibrations sometimes have the power of lifting you into My heart, to which yours responds with feelings of happiness. Regardless of how anxious and frightened you may sometimes feel about what’s happening in your world, when you listen to music whose vibrations deeply resonate with your innermost being, gladness fills your whole being and that increases your faith and trust in the goodness of the life that has been given to you.

Birds belong to the air element, the region of thought. They are telling you that your spirit/soul is part of their realm and that in truth it is as free as the birds. Try it out for yourself and observe how your thoughts can instantly take you into a distant corner of Creation. Every human spirit/soul has its own song. As soon as yours has become as pure and clear as that of the birds, nothing in the whole of Creation will even try to stop you from lifting yourself and the whole of humankind into the blessing and healing rays of the Universal Christ, so that all can share them with you.

The music of times gone by is living proof that I, the Great Mother, the love and wisdom aspect of the Divine Trinity, never left you. This applied particularly during the six thousand years of patriarchy with its dominance of the masculine and the make-believe world of a nonsensical all-male Godhead. During that time, your whole world was particularly in need of Me and My gifts.

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With love and light,

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2 Oct, 2022
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