Miracles And Wonders (63)

By Aquarius

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Thoughts For Today 29th October 2022

From ‘Our World In Transition’

To Jab Or Not To Jab (1)

Reflections On The Swine Flu

Today is Friday, 31st January 2020 and the following is the latest report about the Coronavirus outbreak. According to official sources its death toll has risen to 170 and a confirmed case in Tibet means it has reached every region of mainland China. Chinese health authorities state that there were 7,711 confirmed cases in the country as of 29th January 2020. Infections have also said to have spread to at least fifteen other countries and the World Health Organisation (WHO) are going to meet in Geneva to consider whether the virus should be declared a global health emergency.

The year 2005 saw the bird flu and therefore became known as the bird flu year. Across the globe, the fear of avian influenza caused government officials everywhere to place a higher priority on developing plans to deal with what was declared to be a pandemic influenza. This was followed by the Swine flu outbreak that lasted from 2009 to 2010. The virus was first identified in Mexico in April 2009. It became known as swine flu because it was similar to flu viruses that affect pigs. It spread rapidly from country to country because it was marketed as a new type of flu virus that few young people were immune to. The year 2014 saw the Ebola virus outbreak and again, in spite of the joined efforts of the pharmaceutical industry and the mass media of our world, no pandemic came about.

I cannot help the sneaking feeling that the pharmaceutical industry seems to be of the opinion that sufficient time has passed since then and that our world is therefore likely to be ready for another of attempt of spreading mass hysteria. I hope that even in these fast living days people have not forgotten how previous artificially whipped up pandemics disappeared without mass vaccinations being carried out in the end. I believe that this was possible because not sufficient numbers of us can be led by their noses and are willing to run with the herd to have themselves vaccinated with the costly products of the pharmaceutical industry. To assist anyone who is in need of making up their mind about the present flu scare, let’s reflect on what happened during some of the previous ones.

Those who are familiar with my work know that increasing public awareness is its only aim. As explained in the previous chapter ‘The Effects of Pluto in Capricorn’, we live in times when nothing remains hidden from public view for very long. The scandals that are revealed everywhere are ample proof of this. No-one has the right, in my view, to pull the wool over our eyes and get away with it. I am willing to do all that is in my power to prevent these things. Let the pens of those who have been granted the gift of writing be mightier than the sword. May the living spirit within guide us to use them as swords of truth that cut through the layers of deception, to reveal the true intentions of those behind the scenario. The only gain I hope to find is that someone ‘out there’ – hopefully more and more of them – can be helped to look through all creeping manifestations of evil, to enable them by giving a loud and clear ‘No!’ to join the ranks of those who prefer to work with the forces of light.

Many branches of the pharmaceutical industry in the past undoubtedly have been among the great benefactors or humankind. Yet, it seems to me that the deeper our world sinks into the experience of materialism and the stronger the greed element rises to the surface of life, the more some parts of this industry are turning into wolves in sheep’s clothing. This is particularly noticeable with regard to vaccinations against all types of influenza. The first one developed was against the common flu, the second one the Bird Flu and the most recent one the Swine Flu.

One of my friends lives in Basel, Switzerland, the home of La Roche Pharmaceutical Industries. Having made it her business to investigate this matter, she writes as follows: ‘Tamiflu is the name of the serum against Swine Flu. It is the baby of La Roche, a company in which Donald Rumsfeld owns a big stake. The serum against swine flu was originally developed in New Zealand as a serum against bird flu, which also turned out to be ineffective. At the time of the bird flu scare, La Roche bought the licence to produce it under the name Tamiflu. Ever since, La Roche has been sitting on vast quantities of this serum and great stock piles of it also existed in the USA. And then someone came up with the brilliant idea of marketing this product against swine flu.

‘Roche stated that the US is their prime target, with fifty million shots sold at one billion dollars last week. Stock holders are thrilled. That none of these so called flu shots have been tested does not seem to matter to anyone. You don’t fuss in the middle of a world Pandemic! Created by whom? The videos of doctors, who have spoken up against mandatory shots, for example one in Austria, can be viewed on u-tube.’

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To Jab Or Not To Jab (2)

The Driving Force Behind The Pandemic

By the time of writing this at the end of July 2009, the pharmaceutical industry in my view had clearly revealed itself as the driving force behind the health-scare that was proudly announced by the mass media as – at that time – reaching ‘Pandemic’ proportions. Having become far too powerful and influential for their own good, this industry and its offshoots irresponsibly created the present monstrosity and the mass media obligingly did the rest by systematically whipping people into an all-time frenzy of fear. Not surprisingly, the pace accelerated at the beginning of what has traditionally always been considered to be the ‘silly season’ by the media people.

As the outbreak of the Bird Flu of recent years revealed in smaller measure, the pharmaceutical industry and the mass media do not hesitate to ruthlessly join forces to manipulate the mass of people when business worth billions of Pounds/Dollars/Euros is at stake. That is too great a temptation to resist. How appropriate is the name of the present outbreak when many of those in charge of our world, in all different walks of life, are behaving like – it has to be spelled out – swine at the trough?

Being on the healer’s pathway, i.e. of ever increasing spiritual awareness requires that we live in accordance with the knowledge we are finding. So, how do we react to this latest crisis and what is the best way of dealing with it? Let us approach the matter by looking into its background, in the hope of finding a better understanding of the forces behind this latest scare. First of all it is comforting to know that the Swine flu virus is no stronger than that of the common flu strain and that, if one does not wish to catch the Swine Flu, the vaccination should be avoided. To keep us safe from contracting it from our fellow citizens, we need to remind ourselves that thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation; that at all times, with the help of our thoughts, each one of us creates their own reality; and that negative thinking of any kind attracts to us the very conditions we wish to avoid.

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To Jab Or Not To Jab (3)

The River Of Life

In the long course of our personal and collective evolution and throughout many lifetimes, we and our world move round and round the zodiac, not just once or twice but many hundreds, maybe thousands of times. Time and again every human soul has to pass through every sign and house. This continues until the lessons of all of them have been so thoroughly absorbed by our earthly self that the highest qualities and aspects every sign and house has to bestow upon us, God’s children of the Earth, have become part of everybody’s own character make-up. Only when that has been achieved are we finally released from our education on this plane of life.

The Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Each lifetime we spend in one of them serves the development of the different aspects of our earthly minds. This mind is an invaluable tool that is entrusted into the care of its children of the Earth by the great Universal Mind. Individually and collectively, in Aquarius we face the formidable task of attuning our earthly minds to It. Aquarius is the sign of revolution, whose symbol is the water bearer who holds a pot in his arms from which he seems to be pouring water. Because of this it is hardly surprising that to this day there is quite a bit of confusion about the nature of this sign. In spite of its symbol and contrary to popular beliefs, Aquarius is by no means one of the Water signs. It is an Air sign and the water that flows from the man’s vessel is not of the liquid earthly kind that represents a symbolism for the waters of consciousness in the form of spiritual knowledge.

The waterbearer is an allegory for the cleansing and purifying effect on the collective and individual consciousness of our race, which new insights and inspirations into spiritual wisdom and truth, received directly from the Source of our being, have always been intended to bring to us and our world. Incessantly, this knowledge pours from the highest levels into all life, including that of the Earth plane, not for the selected few but for everybody. All human souls are capable of receiving God’s wisdom intuitively in their prayers and meditations, as soon as they learn how to attune their inner receiver station to the vibrations of the Highest. And if we wish to move forward on the evolutionary spiral of life, it is essential that we purify and cleanse our consciousness of the debris of every bit of the outdated false beliefs, superstitions, misconceptions and prejudices we have accumulated in times gone by. The sacred knowledge that is presently flowing with ever increasing strength into our individual and collective consciousness assists us in this truly Herculean task. Sharing that which we find with those around us is vital, so they can proceed with their own flushing out of the old.

Aquarius is the sign of siblinghood, kinship and friendship among all peoples and all nations, and ultimately with all life. In this sign the highest human hopes and aspirations can potentially find their fulfilment, on a personal as well as on the collective level. I hope I shall be forgiven for using the word siblinghood instead of brotherhood. For my liking it smacks too much of times gone by, the patriarchy and the suppression of the feminine. The true spirit of Aquarius is equal rights and opportunities for all and there is much evidence everywhere that we are making good progress with this.

The deeper we penetrate into the Age of Aquarius, the better comprehension of the workings of our minds we are gaining. Already we have learnt that thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation and that life is a vast river that consists of two streams of thought or consciousness, which are constantly flowing through the whole of Creation. Every one of us is a small tributary of the great river of life, who relentlessly draws from the river and feeds into it. Simultaneously, we always have been and forever will be receiver and transmitter stations, channels of the ideas and inspirations of the Highest. Our earthly minds being part of the creative flow of ideas that are ceaselessly pouring forth from the Source of our being, makes us into co-creators with God and that is why our thoughts continually create and re-create our reality.

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To Jab Or Not To Jab (4)

The Two Streams Of Consciousness

The great river of life consists of a positive and constructive current and a negative and destructive one and every single thought of ours draws from or feeds into either one or the other. The white healing magic of the Great Light that illuminates and brings forth all life is part of the positive stream, while to the forces of darkness, destruction and also black magic belong to the negative stream. This force too serves a wise purpose and is a necessary part of God’s energies. It is not inherently evil – nothing in God’s Creation is. It exists because everything in the whole of Creation has to balance. The dark, negative – which in this context is to be understood as passive – and destructive forces are the natural balance to the positive, outgoing and creative forces of light.

The outcome of anyone’s efforts can only be evil when individuals and organisations on the Earth plane employ the dark forces in selfish pursuit of personal gains and power. The great wisdom of the Universal laws ensures that anything achieved in our world that is based on negative and destructive motivations, in the fullness of time will rebound with ever greater strength on the karmic debts we incurred as young and inexperienced souls who still required the lessons of evil. During that part of our development we have no choice but calling upon and utilising the dark forces. During the later stages of our development when we are ready for the lessons of good, our misdeeds return to us. They do this not as some kind of punishment but so that we through our own experiences eventually find out how the suffering we once inflicted upon others feels.

Trying to fight evil with more of the same is pointless. Two wrongs never did make one right, and one plus one can only make two, never zero. It stands to reason that the only way to get to the zero of neutralising situations like these is by taking away from the power of the one. Adding one evil to another just increases the strength of the force of the energies that have been generated at any given time. Yet, all negative situations in our world can benefit when we lift them into the light of the Highest. Requesting that the will of the Highest should be done, it is good and right for us to ask God and the Angels that the conflicts of our world and the energies created by them to be absorbed into Its radiance and to be uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energies that flow back into all life.

In times of mass hysteria caused by health scares, unscrupulous industries like the pharmaceutical one all too willingly receive the kind of support from the mass media they may not have dared to hope for in their wildest dreams. This undoubtedly was the case during the swine flu panic of recent years, when both agencies together shamelessly took advantage of a public round the globe that was growing ever more fearful. It seems that in the year 2011 and again in 2020 this phantom is trying to rear its ugly head again. Unaware of their accountability for the monster they were creating and are still doing their best to unleash, fresh fuel has been added to a fire that was already blazing so furiously that the danger of it getting completely out of control was great.

Had those taking part been aware of their responsibilities and the consequences that their actions were bound to produce, would they have seen the light and mended their ways? One cannot help wondering! However, as every soul at some stage of its development has to take part in the experiences of the dark as well as the light forces, at the giving and also the receiving end, there is no need to sit in judgement over anyone. Instead, let’s count our blessings that we are already working with the positive and constructive stream of life.

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To Jab Or Not To Jab (5)

Keeping Our Cool

So, what can we, as individuals, sensibly do to counteract this kind of negativity and any other? Most of all by keeping our cool and not allowing ourselves to be dragged into any of it. Every small effort we make to remain firmly in the positive thought flow counts. It is greatly appreciated by the higher and Highest forces, who are all around us and working with us and through us.

This can be effectively supported by positive affirmations like: ‘We and our world rest safely in the loving hands of God and the Angels.’ Speak the words out loud! Be creative and make up sentences that really appeal to you and whose positivity you can feel vibrating through your whole being, each time you send them out into the Universe. Most of all, refuse to worry about this particular flu or any other. Trusting that all will be well and that all life rests safely in the loving hands of the Highest Forces of life, who with the help of this want us to see the matter more clearly, that’s the best insurance policy anyone can have against catching it.

So, for as long as the idea of the swine flu has not been dissipated, you catch a cold, don’t panic and react with: ‘Have I got the swine flu?’ Stay calm and reassure you that it’s just a cold. Even if it’s a severe one, the type everybody gets from time to time, most important of all refuse to go into fear mode. Treat it as you would any cold by staying at home, drinking plenty of fluids and resting, until you feel better. No matter what happens, refuse the jab because from it you could contract the flu much more easily than from anything else.

As far as the pharmaceutical industry and the mass media are concerned, the swine flu affair all along has been about making money, great masses of it. In my view, it never had anything to do with caring for the wellbeing of the people of our world. Sad, but true! Yet, we are by no means helpless and no-one can force us to take part in this madness or any other. Knowing that this – the same as everything else that is and happens in our world – rests safely in the hands of God and the Angels, sets us free to choose sending thoughts of hope and trust instead of fearsome ones into our world. Projecting positive and loving thought vibrations into the pool of collective consciousness is making a valuable contribution towards helping the vibrations of mass hysteria to subside. Surely, we owe that to ourselves, each other and our poor beleaguered world, who has deserved something much better.

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To Jab Or Not To Jab (6)

Good And Evil – The Heavenly Teaching Aids

All life is energy and different types of it are ceaselessly at work throughout the whole of Creation. Astrology is a wonderful tool for familiarising ourselves with these energies. To me, the Divine science is a gift to humankind from the Universal intelligence. How else could it provide us with so much knowledge? Alas, like all things on our plane of life, astrology can be used with equal ease for good and evil purposes. Irresponsibly scaring people half to death with dire prognostications about the next end of the world, for example the way it had been forecast for the year 2012, is evil. The necessary balance is created by those who reassure the public and help them find a better understanding of themselves and the spiritual background of life, bringing them closer to the higher realities of life and the great wisdom of the One, who so lovingly designed and created it all for us. The choice of how we wish to employ anything that comes before us is always ours.

Everything in our world has been provided by the Highest forces of life so that we should learn something from it and in the great plan of life nothing is ever wasted and even this serves a wise and higher purpose. We are here to find out about the wise use of the energies the Universe places at our disposal at any given time and astrology can assist us gain insights into their nature. This applies to the energies of our Divine parents, God and Goddess, as much as to – as their offspring – our own, as well as of others, our world and ultimately the planets and the Universe. Knowledge is a type of energy. All energy in itself is neutral – it is neither good nor evil. The evil we are still witnessing in our world is but a manifestation of energies that have been and still are used and expressed in negative and destructive ways.

The most essential part of our earthly education is to become increasingly aware of who we truly are. And to enable us to make wise decisions regarding the use of our energies, we first have to get to know their flow in our lives at any given time and their potential use against the backdrop of either good or bad intentions. At the onset of any new enterprise, it is essential to assess carefully what the outcome of our actions is likely to be, if we decide one way or another.

In the final analysis, everything on the Earth plane can be used to create something either good or evil. Whether any of our endeavours turns into something good or bad is decided by the intentions behind our actions and our motivating thinking patterns, as well as the way we think about that which the Universe entrusts into our care and its use. Our motivation and intentions behind any decision making are invariably the most significant factors. This is the case wherever people intimidate and threaten other members of the human family of races and nations to overpower them in some way. Whole industries like manufacturers and users of weapons of mass destructions are involved in this and, in events like the swine flu, certain parts of the pharmaceutical industry and the mass media, too. In the same way, religious organisations are guilty of contributing to the spreading of evil in our world and whole countries influenced by their teachings and the individuals who are holding fast to them.

Albert Einstein, the German born theoretical physicist, 1879-1955, had the struggle of our world between good and evil in mind when he wrote: ‘Concern for man himself must always constitute the chief objective of all technological effort – concern for the big, unsolved problems of how to organise human work and the distribution of commodities in such a manner as to assure that the results of our scientific thinking may be a blessing to mankind, and not a curse.’ We are creative beings, co-creators with God and within reason we are allowed to create whatever our heart desires. Ah, yes! But having got it, what do we do with it? This is the testing ground that reveals to those in charge of us at any given moment our present degree of spiritual awareness and maturity, and whether we have learnt anything from past experiences.

Our thoughts and intentions alone behind any of our actions decide their outcome, whether that which we create in the spiritual sense is going to belong to the realms of good or of evil. Both exist in our world because our Creator – with infinite wisdom and love – guides us through both experiences, so that from each one of them we can all learn to differentiate between them. Creating peace on Earth must have been the biggest issue facing humankind for a very long time. If that is what you and I wish too, we have to start with ourselves, act responsibly and take charge of every one of our thoughts, words and actions.

When coming face to face with evil wise ones bear in mind that the word itself when read backwards means ‘live’. Evil is created each time one of us, as co-creator with God, uses the creative energies of the Universal Life Force in a manner that is negative, destructive and harmful to someone or something in order to achieve personal gains of one kind or another for the satisfying of that person’s or organisation’s lust for spiritual/religious/material dominion over others. This applies as much to individuals as to whole organisations and even countries in their pursuit of power over others. Evil comes into being each time someone gives in to the promptings of the drives and urges of their lower earthly self. No, not the devil, that symbol has merely been used as a metaphor to explain to us this part of humankind’s nature.

Good is the polar opposition to evil. Good is everything that is wholesome, constructive and of benefit to others instead of seeking to gratify the small earthly self’s desires. Good honours, respects and furthers that which is good, right and beautiful in human nature and our world.

The test for those on the Earth plane always lies in how we react to any kind of evil, and how we put the evil force into some kind of a perspective that human minds can grasp. Whenever something evil happens in our world, we have the choice of either ignoring and turning away from it or of facing it and somehow dealing with it in as constructive a manner as possible. We are free to either join the evil or to turn to our Highest Self, the living God within, to show us ways of opposing all evil that is still in our world. With the help and the will of God and the Angels it becomes possible to destroy it and transmute its negative and destructive energies into blessing and healing ones for all life.

It is our reaction to evil that determines in which direction any evil action turns. One way or another our responses to all kinds of evil bring us spiritual growth and evolution through a renewed understanding. That is the very reason why evil has been necessary in our world. It was always meant to teach us to differentiate between good and evil, so that through this our perception of the purpose and meaning of our existence as a whole should expand.

The way we react to evil reveals to the wise ones in charge of us and our world who fully trusts that our Creator, Father/Mother of all life, is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent and holds the reins of our world and all others safely in His/Her wise and loving hands. Whenever something evil happens, our behaviour shows our unseen helpers whether we appreciate that no matter how low any soul may ever fall on the Earth plane, their indwelling spirit of God remains alive in them because it is eternal, immortal and cannot die.

And so the Angels and Masters watch with interest to establish how many of us truly accept that on the inner level of life we are all one and that therefore what is done to one is done to everybody, for good and evil alike. These invisible hosts are constantly assessing how many of us are aware that we all belong together, that in truth we are one big family which in turn is an integral part of God’s great family of all life. Head knowledge alone of these concepts is useless. Only when human hearts and souls also have grasped their meaning, do they feel the need to act accordingly, with compassion and love. To those on the higher levels of life the way we act and react in any given situation is the clearest indicator of the evolutionary level any human soul has reached at any given time.

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To Jab Or Not To Jab (7)

Gossiping And Rumour Spreading

One of the most popular and destructive evils of our world is idle gossiping and malicious rumour spreading. In pursuit of establishing the thinking patterns that help rather than hinder our evolutionary progress, our decision-making starts with something as basic – and only seemingly simple – as the power to communicate and express ourselves. Life constantly presents us with choices and if for instance, we choose to take part in scattering the rumours that come our way, we actively participate in creating and spreading evil. Wise ones, however, make every effort to search for the good in all people and every situation. Bearing in mind that even the worst criminal is here for no other reason than the rest of us, helps them to rise above tittle-tattle and rumour spreading and confirms to those in charge of them their present higher degree of spiritual maturity than that of the masses.

The concepts of Heaven and Hell are not places anyone goes to. They are metaphors for the various states of consciousness that we create for ourselves and each other, in our daily lives in the here and now. Because we are allowed freedom of choice, it always has been up to each individual whether we create a living hell for ourselves and those around us or prefer to bring our own ideas of Heaven down to Earth in our daily lives. ‘Hell is other people!’ wrote Jean-Paul Sartre, 1905–1980, the French existentialist philosopher, playwright, novelist, screenwriter, political activist, biographer, and literary critic. The same wisdom is contained in one of the songs of ‘Paint your Wagon’ by Lerner and Lowe: ‘Mud can make you prisoner and the plains can make you dry. Snow can burn your eyes, but only people make you cry!’

How right they were! Learning to watch the words we speak and thus taking charge of our tongues is one of the most vital and ancient issues to be tackled, especially now that we are entering into an age of ever increasing spiritual awareness. The proverbs of the Old Testament were written a long time before the Bible came into being – their origins are lost in the mists of time. But, even then Proverb 18:21 warned: ‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and those who love it shall eat the fruits thereof.’ White Eagle in ‘Spiritual Unfoldment 2’ adds to this: ‘Keep control of your tongue, so that it says no unkind and hurtful thing. Bear in mind the feelings of those to whom you speak and do so gently and thoughtfully, without anger and without haste. When you constantly practise this, my dear children of the Earth, difficulties fall away, sorrow recedes into the background and you cannot help but become aware of the gentle presence of your Master on the highest levels of life.’

Through making an effort at consciously thinking good thoughts we not only do our share of increasing the good that is in our world, we also do something for our own evolution and that of our race. Making an effort at turning our conversation towards something good and positive is more constructive by far than standing on street corners with people discussing how awful things in our world are. Good is created when we refuse to sit in judgment over anyone and make a conscious effort at looking for the good in all people and situations. This task is considerably eased by the knowledge that Earth life for all human souls is a place of learning, a giant training ground and a school where everything it contains – without exception – serves wise higher evolutionary purposes.

This is by no means as trivial a task as it may seem, because the temptation to practise and spread evil in our daily lives is great for everybody and can at times be extremely subtle. The best way of avoiding it is by not giving in to the evil of gossiping and rumour spreading. We create good and add to the positive stream of thought each time we endeavour to look for the goodness and kindness of people that can be seen everywhere in our world by those who are willing to open their eyes to perceive it. This does more for our environment and its people than you might imagine. Another type of evil begins with bullying those around us into doing what they do not want to do by scaring them in some way. This applies especially to small children and others who cannot stand up to us. If instead of using our intelligence to convince others of our viewpoint, we intimidate or browbeat them into doing our willing rather than their own, we are guilty of spreading evil.

On the higher and highest levels of life records exist of every one of our thoughts, words and deeds of all our lifetimes. From the beginnings of time on the Earth, frightening and intimidating others in pursuit of personal selfish gains, material wealth and earthly possessions that allow us power over others instead of allowing them the personal freedom of following their own interests and convictions, has spiritually always counted as bullying, emotional blackmail and evil. Even when our decisions reach Universal proportions, for example if we become involved in matters like atomic power, the principle remains the same. The decisive question of the wise ones in charge of us is: ‘How does this earthling apply the power of the knowledge we are permitting it access to?’

That’s the way the Universe tests the degree of our spiritual maturity. Without fail, the outcome of all our efforts depends on the thinking patterns, motivations and intentions behind our actions. Sufficiently evolved souls, equipped with this knowledge, are likely to dedicate the rest of their life’s work to finding ways of producing inexpensive electricity that provides affordable light and warmth and therefore improves everybody’s quality of life. Because we and our world can only learn from the mistakes we make, even good intentions may initially produce bad results. The pollution caused by the peaceful uses of nuclear power demonstrates this clearly.

Yet, for as long as humankind’s intentions are good, the Universal intelligence will always be happy to teach us ways of using all its energies safely. The wise ones on the Highest levels of life in charge of our world and us are much more highly evolved than we are. They have access to all the knowledge and skills our race is lacking to this day. These beings are our elder siblings in the vast family of life, waiting to be called upon to stand by our side, to guide and protect us. Their helping hands are reaching out to us, but we must ask for their help – it will not be pushed onto us. It is our choice whether we wish to do the work that has to be done more easily, namely with their help. For this purpose we have to attune our energies to theirs and to keep on asking for their support, so that together the work may be carried out safely and for the good of all, not merely humankind, but the whole of Creation. By willingly following their instructions our new world will come into being with much more ease than we may presently think possible.

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To Jab Or Not To Jab (8)

Humankind’s Quest For Power

The masculine part of the Divine Trinity is the will and power aspect of the God, the Great Father of all life. Its feminine counterpart is the love and wisdom of the Goddess, the Great Mother. Being a spark of the Divine, the same energies and qualities that are contained in them are also in us, women and men alike. Until the development of the masculine in our world, each one of us through their own experiences, finds an improved understanding of the higher purpose and meaning of humankind’s existence, the masculine characteristics manifest themselves as the man being right at all times. He resists bending his will and principles for anyone and has no time for compromises that would make life more bearable for everybody around him. He will have none of what to him, during the early part of his earthly education, he perceives as sheer nonsense.

The male of our species, during that stage of its development, has a strong urge to dominate and rule. Just about the only thing he is interested in is changing the world around him and its people to suit his will and adapts them to the whims of his lower animal desire nature. This leaves only one road open to him and that is the pursuit of power and personal gains. With his limited vision and understanding of earthly life he sees this as giving him the power to purchase what he wants. What could be simpler? When he has grown into a wise one, he too will know that each one of us can only learn from the consequences of the thoughts, words and actions they once sent into our world, when in due course the Universal laws are returning them to him in some form or another.

Alas, it takes many lifetimes until such things dawn on us. As a result, as young and inexperienced souls we do not hesitate to abuse any knowledge that the highest levels of life are making available to our world for the satisfying of the selfish desires and urges of our lower earthly nature. As a result, those who dream of ruling the world with godlike power, may then seek the means for building an atom bomb with which to threaten our world and if need be, using it. And so far that person has no idea that thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation and that it is God’s will that has the power to create matter from light and later destroy it again, if it so wishes.

There are two great rivers of consciousness in our world and each has its own thought waves that are part of it and are constantly feeding into it. The first one is the good, positive and constructive stream and the second is the evil, negative and destructive one. The first consists of the flow of energies from the higher evolved parts of Creation and the second that of the crude lower and unevolved one. For as long as someone chases the biggest illusion of our earthly existence, known as power, the energies of anything that person thinks and does automatically join the destructive and evil stream. The more wise ones who have woken up into the conscious awareness of their true nature feed into the evolved stream, the sooner that which is evil will be absorbed into it until every bit of it has gone.

But while we are still dreaming of gaining control and dominion over other countries and their people, maybe not only their bodies but also their spirits and souls, during the early phases of our development we are likely to threaten death and destruction to whatever gets in our way and tries to stop us. Should the attacked fail to oblige and obey, we do not hesitate to follow our threats up with the necessary actions. And even the tiniest step along this road not only creates more evil and spreads it far and wise. It also brings increasingly difficult Karma into being that eventually has to be redeemed – by none other than us.

Humankind’s past is a clear demonstration of how, without at least a degree of spiritual awareness, it is very easy to slip into a state of total disregard for our beautiful planet with all its life-forms. Unaware of the repercussions our actions are bound to have on ourselves, our life and the world around us, we have been stumbling from one natural catastrophe to another for long enough. That has been the way of the past and the patriarchy, but now the energies are right for ever more of us are now waking up from the nightmare all of us together have created and responding to the calls of the spirit world.

Yet, the present poor state of our world has been serving a wise higher purpose, the same as everything that happens anywhere in it. Only through observing how our environment is reacting to what we have been and in many parts still are doing. Making mistakes is the only way we can ever learn something. There will come a time when the last one of us will have evolved into a wise one who can recognise that in our physical existence there are only two types of true power available to us. The first one is making mistakes and being willing to learn from them. The second power is part of the first one and that is deciding how we wish to respond and react to the people and situations of our daily lives.

If we wish to evolve, as all lifeforms must, there is no point in keeping our learning to ourselves. It has to be shared with as many people as possible and these days there no longer is any need for standing and preaching from pulpits and soap boxes. Living by good example and one-to-one contacts is preferable. The more the awareness of everybody’s true nature and responsibility for ourselves and our world spreads, the more people are going to make genuine efforts at bringing forth their highest and best qualities, the more quickly the remaining evil in our world will be absorbed into that which is good, right and beautiful.

During past ages and without exception, everybody has been involved in creating evil, for the simple reason that we did not know any better. Besides, this has always been the only way human beings could be taught how to differentiate between the polar opposites of good and evil. But do we not owe it to ourselves and our whole world, to give of our best and steadfastly refuse to stoop to that which many of those around us insist on doing to this day? By using the God-given power of making wise and conscious decisions of always and without hesitation acting and reacting in a positive and constructive manner, we are taking our own destiny into our own hands and also that of our world. Each time does this, they are making a valuable contribution towards taking all of us forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life into the new golden age of the conscious knowledge of everybody’s oneness with God.

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To Jab Or Not To Jab (9)

Working Out Our Own Salvation

As we know by now, on the inner spiritual level there is no separation between anything, and the Angels and Masters and other spirit guides and their helpers are in charge of our race’s development and that of our whole world. Because they are in this way one with us, they frequently know our heart’s and soul’s intentions and motivations better than we do and on many occasions before we even become aware of them. Their presence and observations ensure that spiritually nobody in earthly life ever gets away with anything. Whatever we do has to be for real and there simply is no point in deception of self and others and no need for faking sincerity, lying and cheating. Such character traces belong to the lower earthly nature of young and inexperienced souls; they will eventually be left behind.

The legend of the Lord Buddha, who is thought to have walked the Earth from 563-483 BC, tells us that the last words the wise one spoke on his deathbed were: ‘Go and work out your own salvation, with diligence.’ But how shall we to go about it? I believe that those who have become aware of their higher nature and willingly conduct their lives in keeping with their knowledge, qualify to be called aspiring healers, lightbringer and wise ones in their own right. Through sending nothing but good and positive, kind and loving thoughts, words and actions into the Universe, they are already actively engaged in the process of saving and redeeming themselves and our world. The awareness that in due course the Universal laws can do nothing but return more of the same to them makes this pathway easier to cope with.

In every one of their daily encounters responding to the feedback wise ones are constantly receiving intuitively through the world of their feelings, rising above the temptations of their small and easily frightened lower earthly selves with its selfish whims, urges and fears creates no major problems for them. In the course of its long evolutionary journey our higher Christ nature eventually wakes from its slumbering state. Our earthly self then begins to develop spiritual wings that in the end enable us to rise above the temptation of responding to the desires of our lower self. Jesus on the cross is an allegory of how our Christ nature in the end leaves them behind. The dying man illustrates how the small self, nailed to its earthly existence slowly bleeds to death by doing so.

Having learnt about these things, wise ones bravely and patiently endure whatever their karmic debts still have to present to them. Following their inner guidance helps them to resist the urge of their lower earthly nature for seeking revenge and they forgive instead. Knowing that this is the Universe’s way of returning the pain they once inflicted upon others makes it easier for wise ones to respond with nothing but love and forgiveness in their hearts towards those who to this day are trespassing against the laws of life. Knowing that these people are young and inexperienced souls who do not yet understand the higher purpose and meaning of their own existence, makes forgiving them easier. Wise ones follow this up by also forgiving themselves for once having set in motion the wheels of what is happening to them, now.

To achieve the evolutionary progress that potentially is every human being’s birthright, wise ones follow the idealistic promptings of their innermost heart, from where their Highest Self, the living God within or wise one, has always been trying to guide and protect them. For as long as our earthly self is unaware of its presence, its efforts are largely unsuccessful. Everybody eventually reaches the evolutionary point when the time is right for welcoming our higher nature, following its advice and working together with it for the good of all, so it can steadily take over ever more of our earthly nature. Like all great truths, saving and redeeming ourselves is basically that simple, even though it is by no means always easy to apply our good intentions to earthly life’s situations.

Apart from working on ourselves, everybody’s main task at present is assisting others to become aware that all of us are responsible for our every word, thought and action. Wise ones who are familiar with the workings of the Divine laws refuse to act unkindly towards man or beast, because they know that what we send out always must come back and that this is the only way true and lasting peace can come to our planet. Like all truly great ideas, it is as straightforward as that and by now there is no doubt in many people’s minds that we and our world are on a course of evolution. When one reflects on humankind’s history, it becomes clearly visible how much we have actually been progressing in millions of different ways. Even though in evolutionary terms our race has already come a long way, we have much further to go. You can read more about this in ‘The Great Year’ file.

Complete mastery over the desire nature of our small lower self is the final aim of all human beings’ earthly education. This is likely to take a great many lifetimes because every spirit who descends into an existence in physicality for the first time immediately has to start building its own earthly personality. At the moment of its creation the spirit is masculine and feminine just the same as its Creator. But to enable it to get to know itself through its own experiences, the two parts temporarily have to split. So the masculine spirit creates itself a feminine counterpart, a soft and sensitive feeling side that is his soul. Together these two parts get to work and one small step after another they are learning to cope with the conditions of earthly life. Naturally, this process has to start at the lowest point and that’s how steadily, lifetime after lifetime, each one of us progresses on their evolutionary pathway of getting to know themselves.

The first major turning point is reached when a spirit and soul become sufficiently evolved for starting to resist and overcome the drives and urges of their lower earthly animal nature. Without this it is impossible to take possession of the higher aspects of our nature, the Divine inheritance. Every one of us eventually starts bringing forth its powers and characteristics from deep within the core of their own being, where they have been resting in seed form for a long time. Each new lifetime takes us a little bit closer to the moment of its awakening. When one of us evolves, our whole world is moving forwards with it. That’s why every small effort anyone makes to improve their character counts and is of importance for our personal evolution and that of our world.

The more we endeavour to transmute our lower energies into the highest that is within us, the stronger the good in our world grows and that which is evil decreases. The more we, as a race, evolve so that the good in us eventually becomes so powerful that it conquers all remnants of evil and absorb it into itself. Once we are aware of God’s true nature and our own and the high and holy purpose our own as well as everyone else’s earthly life serves, our soul has no other wish than serving the Highest forces of life and doing what we can to make this blessed state of no more evil and rue and lasting peace a reality on the Earth. Divine intervention is trying to help each one of us to reach this stage of their development sooner than we may presently imagine. Who knows?

And let’s face it, it would make no sense if the Universe took the burden of saving and redeeming ourselves and our world from our shoulders. Alas, it takes a long time before we realise that God and the Angels are always with us and only too willing to help us with any problems and issues that are hindering our progress. But they will only do so when we ask for it. Then they are delighted to show how to go about our task in good and wise ways.

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To Jab Or Not To Jab (10)

Discriminating Between Good And Evil

The most essential part of every human being’s earthly education is learning how to discriminate between good and evil. To enable us to tell the two aspects of humankind’s nature apart, each can only do this through their own experiences. First it is necessary to take part in creating evil, so that in the fullness of time it can return to us and we are on its receiving end. That’s the only way we can get to know both sides of any coin, and at the same time the debit and credit sides of our spiritual bankbook are balanced. Eventually we all reach the evolutionary point for transmuting that which is evil in us and our world into goodness. The darkness of our ignorance in this process changes into the light of God’s sacred wisdom and understanding.

This destiny is not merely for the selected few but for everybody. This is how, hand in hand with God and the Angels, we ourselves are going to bring the promised new Earth into being and the time for starting to do our share is NOW. There is no time to lose! By conducting our lives in more peaceful and harmonious ways, everybody is required to eventually make their contribution by bringing forth the best that is within them, i.e. the qualities of their Christ nature. That’s the only way humankind’s age-old dream of a world where people live together in harmony and peace can at last become a reality on our planet. Should you not know how to go about it, go within and ask God and the Angels to show you the way.

But it’s not necessary to reach as high as that for a better understanding of the nature of good and evil. Wisdom about it can be found everywhere. A long time ago I watched a film whose title I have forgotten, but not the message one tiny scene contained. In it, a disreputable looking young man encountered someone who was wailing about what one does in life and what life does to us. ‘What’s the matter with you?’ replied the young man. ‘Why are you making such a big deal of it, when life is so simple? If you do good things, then good things happen to you.’ That’s not only good and evil in a nutshell, but also the law of Karma. Life really is that simple!

Considering that every single one of the problems of our world is caused by evil words and deeds, one cannot help asking oneself: ‘Do we really need evil and will it be with us forever?’ The answer to this question is a definite ‘Yes!’ to the first part and ‘No!’ to the second. Good and evil are the Universe’s educational aids for teaching us, Its children of the Earth, to distinguish between these two polarities. In the final analysis evil is but a temporary appliance that slowly but surely eliminates itself in the natural course of events. It happens when ever more of us become aware of our true reality and learn to conduct our lives in harmony with the Universal laws of love, evolution and of Karma and reincarnation. Everything in the whole of Creation is subject to these laws.

Under the influence of these laws, evil will finally have run its course in our world when every last small earthly self succeeds in bringing forth, from within itself, its own Christ nature. The more our small self surrenders itself to its Highest or God Self, the more the latter takes over our whole being, the less strongly the downwards drag of the lower animal self is felt and the need for lessons of evil cease. The only experiences we then desire are good and wholesome ones.

Extract from ‘The Lord’s Prayer – A Healing Mantra for the Aquarian Age’:

Leave us not when we are in temptation,
But deliver us and our world from all evil.
Help us to uplift and transmute the greatest evil into the
Highest good and the greatest joy for all life,
In keeping with the will and wishes of Thy great plan.

Thou art the only one who knows what tests and trials my soul still needs to endure until the balance of my spiritual account has been restored to wipe out my failures and wrong-doings of previous lifetimes. I know that the obstacles I am still encountering are not punishments of some kind, but were created by my thoughts, words and actions of this lifetime and previous ones. I forgive myself for this and take responsibility for the things I am still struggling to resolve. I understand that any sickness of the human physical body and mind are indications of an underlying sickness of soul and spirit. Please help all of us to heal every aspect of our being.

In our capacity as aspiring healers and lightbringers, we are required to share the learning we are finding along the pathway of our present lifetime. Yet, there is a time for speaking and for remaining silent. As a general rule if they are unsure of what to contribute to a conversation, wise ones prefer to keep quiet, following the dictum: ‘If in doubt, don’t!’ People should never be forced to follow a certain line of thought or believe in a religion of any kind. Much more can be achieved by simply manifesting our love for someone by allowing them to be and get on with what they presently think of as true. In spite of the fact that we really do know better, shutting up is a finer demonstration of the spirit of love than anything else.

Because no words are spoken, this kind of approach is absorbed by people much more easily. God’s wisdom and truth is the light of our world and the right way of spreading it at this special time of transformation into the Aquarian Age, the age of truth, is by letting it shine from our innermost self and reveal itself in the way we are and behave. As long as our actions and our mode of speaking are wise and kind, most people quite naturally respond in positive ways. When questions are asked or someone says: ‘What do you think?’ it’s best to reply with what comes to us intuitively. Speaking is only necessary when our inner guidance tells us that it is likely to help someone. Apart from that, it is usually better to say nothing and listen. When someone is in need of it, we can afterwards send love from our heart to theirs. On the inner levels of life it then flows into them and helps them in this manner.

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To Jab Or Not To Jab (11)

Of Good And Evil

One of the elders of the city said:
‘Speak to us of good and evil.’
And he – the prophet – replied:
‘Of the good in you I can speak, but not of the evil.
For what is evil but the good within you
That is tortured by its own hunger and thirst
For the learning that will help you,
In the fullness of time,
To return into the conscious awareness
Of your true nature?
Because the good in you is hungry and
And your soul longs to return to its real home,
It sometimes seeks for food in dark caves
And may drink of dead waters, too.

You are good when you are at one with your Highest Self,
But when you are no longer consciously aware of it,
You are not evil. You are but a divided house,
Which does not have to be a den of thieves.
It is merely that the two parts of you,
Your Highest Self and its earthly counterpart,
Are still travelling in opposite directions.
This state of being can be likened t
To a ship without rudder that
Is capable of wandering aimlessly among perilous isles.
Yet, somehow it does not sink to the bottom.
When you have studied evil sufficiently,
With the help and the will of God and the Angels,
The two parts of you will come together again
And brought into harmony,
So that in future they work for you,
Instead of against.

Fear not, if some of the souls in your world
Still seem to be guided away from their Highest Self
And ever deeper into the morass of physicality.
Trust that for them too, the turning point will come,
As it has done for you and all other wise ones in your world.
Humankind’s evolution is a circle
That first moves you away from God,
That which is all good.
The farther you descend into matter,
The more you move downwards.

When you have reached a certain phase in your development,
You begin to move upwards and are then on your way
Into re-discovering your true nature,
That you are part of God and that God is part of you,
And that because of this
The core of your being has always remained good,
Through and through, all-loving and all-knowing,
Like your God Self
With whom you are now consciously
Being reunited and at one again.

For as long as your soul lessons require that
You move downwards, you are not evil.
Even thought your earthly self may still
Be learning to differentiate between good and evil,
Your innermost essence of your being
Remains good and of God.
You are good when you are spiritually awake
And that in thought, word and deed.
Yet, those who have not yet reached this point
Are not evil.
And if your tongue still staggers without purpose,
Know that stumbling speech also serves a wise higher purpose,
That of strengthening weak tongues.

You are good when you strive to give of yourself.
Yet, you are not evil whilst you are still seeking gain for yourself.
Those who are doing this are learning the lesson
Of being a root that clings to Mother Earth and sucks at her breast.
Like a tree your soul’s needs
Vary according to the evolutionary phase you have reached.
That is why the fruit of a tree
Cannot say to its roots: ‘Be like me,
Ripe and full and ever giving of my abundance.
For the fruit giving is as good a need
As the receiving is to the root.

You are good when you walk towards your goal
Firmly and with bold steps.
Yet, you are not evil whilst you are still approaching it with a limp.
But even those who limp are not going backwards,
For all life is evolution, moving ever forwards and upwards.
Let those who are strong and swift,
Make sure they do not pretend to limp too,
Out of misunderstood kindness for the lame.

You are good in countless ways,
And you are not evil when you are not good,
You are neither loitering nor sluggard,
You are merely still in the process
Of learning to discern between good and evil.
Have compassion too for those
Who already are moving with the speed of stags,
And believe that they can teach their swiftness to those
Who thus far only capable of moving like turtles.
Wise ones know that in God’s great plan,
The turtle has as much its place as the stag.

Your goodness lies in your longing for being at one
With your Highest Self.
This longing is in all of you.
In some, it already is like a torrent that rushes to the sea,
With all its might,
It carries with it the secrets of the hillsides
And the songs of the forests.
The longing of others is still like a shallow stream
That lingers in angles and bends and loses itself.
Yet, it too finally reaches its destination.

Each does come to the end of their journey,
In their own sweet time.
That is why there is no need for those in whom
The longing is already very strong
To say to those in whom it is still weak:
‘Why are you slow and halting?’
This is why wise ones who are truly good
Would never dream of asking the one who is naked:
‘Where is your garment?’
Or another one who is homeless:
‘What has befallen your home?’

From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Edited by Aquarius

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To Jab Or Not To Jab (12)

On The Wings Of The Great White Eagle

To this day, occasionally a confirmation of something I have recently been writing about intuitively arrives in the form of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides. This was the case with an article that appeared in the February/March 2011 issue of ‘Stella Polaris’, the bi-monthly magazine of the White Eagle Lodge with the heading ‘One in Thought – From an Inner Teaching by White Eagle’. The following is its essence:

‘Thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation. It has the power of creating good and bringing healing, but it can also inflict pain and disease, disrupt and destroy. Your earthly scientists are only on the outermost fringe of comprehending that thought can do anything in your world and all others. Thought is the root of all suffering and of wars, but at the same time it is responsible for beauty and harmony, siblinghood and providing you with everything you have ever longed for.

‘Knowing that thought is creative, that’s why we, the group of spirit guides known as White Eagle, always work with the creative power of thought and make every effort to avoid negative and destructive thinking. You will have noticed that our advice is always constructive and that we foresee the good outcome of everything. This is by no means foolishly optimistic. It is realistic because by seeing only good something of this nature is created by our thoughts and thus helps to bring into being some more of that which is good, right and desirable. There is no point in thinking in terms of pessimism, destruction or death. They too are unavoidable parts of the evolutionary process. Even so all things that exist anywhere in the whole of Creation represents forever unfolding and progressing life and everything that happens anywhere, including our world, was created by God and therefore serves a wise higher purpose.

‘To this day, many of those in earthly life become so immersed with trivialities that they fail to realise the power in which they have their being and that it was created to assist humankind with its spiritual development.

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