Mummy,Will you dye my hair RAINBOW?
By Jaggergum
Mummy was Sat on the counter in the kitchen,Smoking. I walked in and said 'Hiya mummy' No anwser though. I asked and asked every day. 'Mummy will you dye my hair RAINBOW?' but mummy just laughed.
The next day. Mummy was cooking cakes at her Friend maria's house. I came along to help. I walked in and said 'Hiya mummy' No anwser though. I asked and asked every day. 'Mummy will you dye my hair RAINBOW NOW?' but mummy just laughed
The third day attempt. Mummy was shouting at daddy i wanted her to stop. I came up with an idea. I walked in and said 'Hiya mummy' No anwser though. I asked and asked every day. 'Mummy will you dye my hair RAINBOW, Please?' but mummy just laughed AGAIN!
The Forth attempt. Mummy Was in the bath,i needed to go too the loo. Mummy let me in the bathroom. I had an idea! mummy was in a good mood!! I walked in and said 'Hiya mummy' No anwser though. I asked and asked every day. 'Mummy will you dye my hair RAINBOW?' but mummy just laughed.
The Final Attempt. Mummy was angry. I loved it when she was angry. I thought this was my chance, And guess what? it was!! I said....I walked in and said 'Hiya mummy' No anwser though. I asked and asked every day. 'Mummy will you dye my hair RAINBOW?' but mummy just laughed but said 'Tomorow Dear'
The day has come!! Mummy made me sit on the chair in the bathroom,She washed my hair first, And then added a rainbow colour dye to the water. She was wearing some funny coloured gloves. She started to wrap my head in a towel carefully. My hair had dried. I ran downstairs and l looked in the mirror. I was NOT impressed. I ran upstairs to mummy. I said.....
'Mummy, Can you dye my hair BROWN again?'
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