My Suffering

By melodyautumn

my tears fall down like razor blades
This pain is too hard to handle
I'm scared and afraid
my minds yours to vandal

It may sound weird
but dont you know me
this is what I feared
I used to be free

you trapped me in great big cage
you treated me as an animal
I feel more then just inrage
what you did is impassible

what you did I shall not tell
go back to where you belong
why dont you just go to hell
and leave me here alone

you want my forgiveness
dont bother to apologies
my mind is in distress
leave me here to agonize

I will never be the same
you treated my love like a sport
but this time you lost the game
the scar you left will forever hurt

your death will be the end of my suffer
I hope it comes soon
but I learned to be tougher
even though I'm still out of tune

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