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Only A Shadow
Only A Shadow

Only A Shadow


O Great White Spirit,
Father/Mother Creator of all life
And Your only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.
The love we have for You,
Is only a shadow of Your love for us,
Your deep abiding love
That has never left us.

Our belief in You, O Creator,
Is but a shadow of Your faith in us,
Your deep and lasting faith
That has always accompanied us
On our journey forwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life,
That will forever continue.

Our lives are in Your hands,
O Angels and Masters,
Of the Christ Circle, the Throne of God,
Assisted by spirit guides, friends and helpers,
Who, even though they are invisible to earthly eyes,
Have always have been and forever will be with us.

Our love for You has been growing since
We found out who and what You truly are,
Who we are and what kind of a relationship
Every one of us has with You.
Through this the light of Your Love
Penetrates ever deeper into
The cells and atoms of our whole being
And restores all parts into
Normal healthy functioning.
From there it flows into our world’s
Individual and collective consciousness,
For the blessing and healing of
Every manifestation of life.

You and the Angels need us as much
As we need You to make a reality of
Our dream of Mother Earth as a place
Where peace and harmony, honesty and truth
Rule supreme, where
Sickness, hunger and starvation are unknown,
The lust for warmongering, trouble and strife,
Lying and cheating, greed and corruption
Have been overcome.
Even death, the way we once understood
It’s meaning, has been left behind.

The joy that fills our whole being
About this future for our world
Is but a shadow of what
You and the Angels are feeling about
Our homecoming into the awareness
Of Your true nature and our own,
That each one of us, without exception,
Is a spark of Your Great Light
And a beloved child of the Earth,
Who at last is standing before you,
Face to face.

It’s good to know that everything in the whole of Creation is of You and from You, the Great Father/Mother of all life and Your only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. And every one of us is a spark of this Great light. Therefore, all powers and characteristics that are in You are also in every one of us, the highest as well as the lowest. Nobody is all bad or good. We are all a mixture of both. Our dark and evil side is meant to be overcome and left behind and the more our higher nature takes over, it dies a natural death. Bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, their own God or Christ nature. We are here to develop and bring it to full unfoldment. That’s what our whole world is presently experiencing and every one of us is taking part in it. Christianity’s dying man on the cross is a symbolism for this part of our individual and collective education in the earthly school of life.

Carey Landry
Edited by Aquarius

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About This Story
24 Sep, 2020
Read Time
2 mins
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