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Overcoming Fears And Anxieties

Overcoming Fears And Anxieties

By Aquarius

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Fifty-One

There’s None So Blind . . .

Our fears were originally designed to keep us away from experiences for which we were unready, at any given time. The most serious and difficult fears that most urgently are in need of shedding, by just about every one of us, are those of God, of death and the unknown. Approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its religions of all-male Godheads and the dominion of the masculine over the feminine forces of our world have by now been left behind. They once served the wise higher purpose of keeping us away from the knowledge of who and what God truly is, who we are, the special relationship every one of us has with the Divine, and the purpose of humankind’s earthly existence.

The deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the more pressing becomes the issue of overcoming and leaving behind all our fears, once and for all. This is why increasing numbers of us are discovering that the teachings of the patriarchal religions were never meant to be understood as literally true, the way they once had the power to force people to believe. One of the finest examples is Heaven and hell. As many of us know by now they never were places where people go when they depart from this plane. The answer to the question: ‘Where are Heaven and hell?’ once depended on whether someone believed in Jesus or not. In truth, they never were places anyone went to. They are states of consciousness that all earthlings are good at creating for themselves and those around them.

There is no need for getting upset about having been forced to believe untruths. Be comforted by the thought that everything that ever happened and to this day is happening in our world, the teachings of the old belief systems served a wise higher purpose, the same as everything that ever appeared. The teachings at that stage of humankind’s development served God and the Angels as instruments for preparing us for the event of the Aquarian age, when truth and honesty would gradually take over as our world’s supreme ruler. To teach us the value of something, the Great Mother’s wisdom and love has always been withdrawing it for a certain length of time. After a while it would be re-introduced.

The teachings of the old religions above all served the purpose of familiarising ever more of us with the drives and urges of their lower earthly nature. And that’s why, for a predestined length of time, treachery and deceit, of the self and others, have been the order of the day for our world. Manipulating the masses through fear was allowed in those days, because that made it easy to relieve them of their material resources. However, this lesson has been learnt thoroughly enough and is definitely over. As God’s great plan of life clearly shows, we and our world have never stopped moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. And that’s why by now we are taking part in a lesson of a very different kind and why honesty and truth are returning to our world.

The deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the more these qualities will gradually become our world’s supreme ruler. The most essential part of this lesson is finding out about: a) God’s true nature and their own; b) the special relationship every one of us has with their Creator; c) the purpose and meaning of our earthly existence and d) the high and holy destiny that’s in store for every human being and that not only at the end of our earthly education but far beyond. The knowledge of these things brings with it the realisation that there really is nothing to fear and that makes shedding our apprehensions easier. However, if my own life’s experience is anything to go by, it can still consist of a long and hard struggle. As a reward and compensation, one gradually becomes aware that it’s a road that’s worthwhile travelling because one’s fears are gradually replaced by an ever-growing deep and unshakeable faith and a trust in the goodness of the life that God and the Angels are giving us.

To my mind, there is no better way of going about shedding one’s fears than by turning to our inner guidance, the wise one and living God within, who communicates with us through our feeling world, so that our spirit friends and helpers can show us intuitively how to proceed. Being surplus to requirement, our fears and anxieties are waiting to be dissolved. To me, the best way of doing this is in dreamtime. That’s why I ask God and the Angels, before going to sleep, that the fear energies of our world and mine should flow through the soles of my feet into the sacred fire of Mother Earth and Father Sun, to be uplifted and transmuted into total faith and trust in the Divine presence and the certainty that our life and that of our world really is a good one.

To my mind, the greatest gift on the spiritual pathway is simplicity. Spiritually everything is simplicity itself. The polymath Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519, said: ‘Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.’ As I could not agree more, let’s keep things simple. It’s good to know that the only God who ever existed is the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. God is part of everything and everything is part of God, the highest as well as the lowest manifestations of life, in our world and everywhere else in the whole of Creation. All aspects of our human nature are of God, the inner and the outer, the higher as well as the lower. And there is no need to be afraid of God, because every human being, including you and me, is a young God in the making who at present is attending the lessons of their apprenticeship on the material plane of life. There is no more to it than that.

The old religions were purposely designed in such complicated ways that made it impossible to truly connect anyone with God. For long enough they have kept us away from finding out God’s true nature and our own, and the special relationship every one of us has with their Creator. The discovery that we are young God’s in the making enables us to make special efforts to think, speak and act in keeping with this high status. When we become aware that the same polarities that are in God are also in every one of us, we can start treating our masculine and feminine forces as equal partners, who need each other because they complement and complete each other.

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12 Aug, 2020
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