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By djreed7100 - 1 Review

After a night of such tempestuous visions and later some action in the bedroom, which lasted hours, I awoke with my head pounding.  It's hard to piece together the night.  There are the first few hours that occurred are uneventful enough.   The the next several hours happened it seems as if in the way of a carnival.  I remember a lot of movement.  I remember piercing bright sounds, beautiful sounds, prizes and butter from the popcorn laces the air in sweetness.  I remember the sound of police sirens as well.  Sirens!?   Oh no, I have to awaken Joanna somehow to assess the situation somewhat properly.  Tough to think when you head feels like it's being kicked in.  Apparently I am naked too.  Naked, cold, head pounding and fearing the worst.  The cops,  I must escape.  Escape these foolish thoughts I tell myself.  I slide my left foot over Joanna's calf to test the water.  She let's out a, 'oooh come on, I'm sleepin,' softly.  To speed this up I whisper, 'we're they're any cops here last night?'  Joanna breathes outward, 'no,'  Cool, I hate having to ask that.  Maybe no more blow, well for a while anyway.
After those random paranoid notions excuse themselves, I wander in to saving the world concepts.  If Bono can heal Africa, I have to be capable of something of merit, considerable merit.  Something?  First I reckon I must form a rock band.  Easy enough.  I know a few lads.  And upon that thought I drift back in to space, snore!  
I awaken this time to the sight of Joanna sitting at the edge of the bed, staring at her feet.  I say, 'what are you lookin at?'  Joanna keeps staring, not speaking then she say's, 'ugh....what?'  I said, 'you  okay?'  Joanna, 'humph,..ah...ahhhh,' she stretches, 'yea why you okay?' I declare, 'I'd be better if you came over here,'  Jo slides back up the bed in to my arms, and legs.  Man I love this girl.  As I hold her I begin thinking of ways to protect her.  To keep her as close to me is concluding thought.  I kiss her passionately and we make morning sweet love.  A lot of kissing and holding.
Awakening for the third time this morning, I hear the bathroom fan.  Jo's in the shower.  Without me what gives!?   I attempt to storm quietly in to the bathroom.  As soon as I open the door Jo pleads, 'I tried to wake you.'  'I'm here no,.' I say.  We clean up.  We make love again.  This emptiness in  my gut sets in fully.  'Jimmy, you want to go to the carousel?'   Did I say I love this girl, 'yes Jo great idea.'

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11 Jan, 2015
Read Time
2 mins
5.0 (1 review)

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