Sparks Reviews
7 reviews have given an average rating of 4.9 out of 5 Stars
wow. i literally dont know what to say. this is amazing, i love h the way you manipulated your word to make them sound and flow so beautifully. amazing.
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There's a power in this poem that many people rarely feel inside themselves. The cages we live inside sometimes turn out to be harder to escape than we thought, and we take it to mean that we ourselves are weak, when in reality, it's admirable that we can even stand under the weight of our personal problems.
I think the mindset presented in this poem could be a good alternative.
Thx :)
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I've edited it, I think its better this way.
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Thomas Ray It's amazing.
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Thomas Ray Do you have anything else to submit? I'd love to read more of your writing
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On paper I do but I'm too lazy at the moment to go through and search for what I want to put up.
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also, thx
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motivational ⚜
I've edited it to make it better.
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SamZ wow. I really like how you have improved it. really meaningful!
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