A Student's Worth
By TheForgotten
Give me what has been taken from me,
Long nights spend studying,
This is not what life is supposed to be,
My worth is not a letter,
It is not my ranking in my class,
I’m sorry I can’t be better,
I’ve tried so hard,
Spent my life on this,
I’m not proud of my report card,
What else can I do?
There’s nothing left,
I’m always going to disappoint you,
I’ve put blood sweat and tears,
But it hasn’t worked out,
It has fulfilled my fears,
My grades decide my life,
But they’ve fallen,
I suppose I’ll have to be a trophy wife,
I don’t mean it,
But it is hard to feel
That my life isn’t a dark pit,
When my worth is a letter,
And nobody cares,
It seems likes school will last forever,
Summer is a distant hope,
But before I have to pass finals,
I need a blessing from the pope,
I have no more joy,
My life has been ruined,
I’m not going to be coy,
I am nothing,
Because of a letter,
It doesn’t matter how much running
I do,
I can never escape,
What is true,
A child’s value is nothing at all
Unless the number on their report card,
Is not small
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