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The Essence And Nature Of The Enas (Η ουσία και η φύση του Enas)
The Essence And Nature Of The Enas (Η ουσία και η φύση του Enas)

The Essence And Nature Of The Enas (Η ουσία και η φύση του Enas)

Franc68Lorient Montaner

-From my text on the Logos (The Word).

The Enas (The One) is the ultimate reality, the source from which all existence originates. It is beyond all distinctions made, beyond all opposites, and beyond all limitations. Its essence is pure, infinite being, the true foundation upon which all things exist and from which all things emanate. It is absolute unity and the essence of the Enas is its indivisibility. It is oneness, without division, parts, or multiplicity. Unlike physical entities, which are composed of components and subject to separation, the Enas is wholly unified and inseparable. It is not composed of anything else, because it simply is. It is not a god. That is the beauty of the Enas.

This absolute unity means that all existential things, no matter how diverse or seemingly distinct, are ultimately connected and rooted in the same fundamental essence. Whilst the world appears to be full of separate beings and objects, they are all conclusive emanations of the One, different expressions of the same underlying reality unfolding.

The Enas is the most important principle of existence. It is being itself, rather than something physical that exists within being. It is not just one thing amongst many; rather, it is the primary ground of all existence, the source from which all things emerge into being. Unlike things that come into being and then pass away, the Enas does not change, decay, or perish. It is eternal and unchanging, the infinite reality that underlies all temporary forms.

The Enas is the source of all things. Everything that exists, whether material or immaterial, is an emanation of the Enas. The universe is not separate from the Enas, but rather an expression of it. Just as light radiates from the sun or waves form on the surface of the ocean, all existence unfolds from the One in a natural process. This emanation does not diminish or divide the Enas. The Enas does not lose part of itself by giving rise to reality, just as a fire does not become less by giving off heat. The One remains whole and undivided, even as it brings forth the sheer multiplicity of existence.

The Enas is beyond being the opposite of a deity. The essence of the Enas is beyond all dualities. It is beyond light and dark, beyond the physical dimensions of existence and nonexistence, beyond time and timelessness. It contains all opposites within itself, resolving them into a single, unified reality.

This is why the Enas cannot be fully grasped as being immaterial by the human mind, which is conditioned to think in terms of opposites, which is before and after, big and small, self and other. Essentially, we tend to ignore that which is not transparent. The Enas transcends these distinctions, existing as the unified whole that contains all viable things.

Because the Enas is not a material thing amongst other things that take form, it cannot be directly perceived by the senses or fully captured by human language. Any attempt to describe it is necessarily limited because words rely on distinctions, and the Enas is beyond all known distinctions that embody its essence.

Whilst it cannot be seen, heard, or measured, the Enas can be realised through deep contemplation and self-awareness, as we understand the processes of the Logos and Nous, along with the manifestation of the Hyparxis, which defines matter. It is the silent presence within all things, the hidden reality that underlies universal existence. To understand the Enas is to recognise that all things are fundamentally one, and that the search for truth is ultimately the search for unity with the One through this transformation of consciousness.

If the essence of the Enas is absolute unity and pure being, its nature is how it expresses itself, interacts with existence, and relates to the world. The nature of the Enas can be understood through two primary aspects: Transcendence and Immanence.

The Enas is fundamentally beyond all established categories of physical existence, time, space, and thought. It does not belong to the realm of things that can be grasped, measured, or fully comprehended in its entirety. It is transcendent in that aspect. The Enas does not exist within time; rather, time itself cannot define the Enas. The past, present, and future all coexist within it, but it is not bound by them or obligated by their influence.

The Enas is not located anywhere, nor does it have physical dimensions. It is everywhere and nowhere, existing outside the confines of spatial reality. Unlike the material world, which is in constant motion and transformation, the Enas is unchanging and eternal. Whilst all things come and go in their duration, the Enas remains constant and absolute.

The Enas is neither light nor dark, neither existent nor non-existent in the sense of physicality or nonphysicality. It is beyond opposites, encompassing all things without being confined by any of them. Because of this transcendence, the Enas cannot be fully comprehended by human intellect alone. It can only be realised through direct experience, contemplation, and deep self-awareness that involves consciousness.

Whilst the Enas is beyond all things, it is also within all things. Every being, every thought, every breath is infused with the essence of the One. The Enas is the silent presence behind all existence, and it is present in us. Everything that exists carries a reflection of the Enas within it. Every particle, every soul, every mind is an emanation of the One. Our awareness, our thoughts, and our deepest sense of self are not separate from the Enas. When we look inward, we find the powerful presence of the One.

The entire cosmos is not separate from the Enas but is a manifestation of it. Just as a wave is not separate from the ocean, the universe is not separate from the One. The Enas is not an external force acting upon the world. It is the very fabric and core of reality, flowing through all things and shaping existence from within through the processes of the Logos and Nous. Whilst the Enas is beyond direct perception, we can come to experience it by acknowledging the oneness of all things and seeing the unity between ourselves, the world, and the greater whole.

There is a relationship between transcendence and immanence. At first glance, these two aspects may seem contradictory, but the Enas is both beyond all things and within all things. This is the very nature of the One. The Enas is like the ocean that is vast, infinite, and beyond the limits of any single wave, yet present within every drop of water. It is like light that exists beyond any individual beam, yet every beam is a manifestation of it. The Enas is like the mind, it cannot be physically grasped, yet every thought and experience arises from it. To understand the nature of the Enas is to see that all things are both separate and united, both individual and part of the whole.

The nature of the Enas is a paradox of transcendence and immanence. It is beyond all things yet within all things. It is the foundation of existence, the hidden presence within all reality, and the infinite source from which all things arise. To realise the Enas is to see that we are never separate from it. We are not distant from the One. It is already within us, and we are already within its greater order, as a part of universal existence.

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About The Author
Lorient Montaner
About This Story
22 Feb, 2025
Read Time
6 mins
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