The Great Plan Or Book Of Life
By Aquarius
The Great Plan Or Book Of Life
The book of life is brief,
And once a page is read,
All but love is dead.
That is my belief.
From ‘And I Love You So’
Don McLean
• The experiences of all our lifetimes, past, present and future are written in God’s great plan of life, also known as the book of life. There is a small one for every individual human being, which in turn is part of the Great Plan/Book for all life. There really is no need to go in search of the lessons of our present lifetime, because they are written quite clearly in both these places and therefore destined to come our way in any case. The plan for every human being decrees that we shall always be in the right place and with the right people, because through them we are receiving our lessons and at the same time paying some of our karmic debts.
• Each new earthly lifetime is part of the constantly ongoing individual and collective evolutionary process of humankind’s expansion of consciousness and growth. And the quality of our experiences has always been decided by everyone’s own will, which is based on the thinking and behaviour patterns we developed and brought with us from previous lifetimes and the choices we made then, as well as up to the present moment of our present one.
• A long time before entering into another earthly sojourn, we ourselves in the world of light, our true home, together with the wise ones in charge of us, decide whether another lifetime on the Earth would benefit our development. Each new one provides us with countless opportunities for gaining some more in wisdom and understanding through the inevitable challenges, tests and tribulations that are part of every human being’s educational curriculum.
• On the innermost level of our being we know full well that without them it would be impossible for us to grow in wisdom and understanding, the way each one of God’s children of the Earth is meant to do. That’s why, when we have rested and recuperated sufficiently in our other world, we ourselves – together with the wise ones in charge of us – decide on which pathway will most benefit our spiritual development in our next lifetime.
• Nothing enters our lives by accident, happens perchance or is a coincidence. Everything comes our way for a perfect, the wise and higher reason of teaching us something. All experiences appear in a purposeful and orderly manner, so that they can provide us with the lessons that, when handled in the right way, constantly move us forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.
• Everyone who is presently taking part in earthly life was created for carrying out some highly specialised work. We have been granted the gift of this lifetime so that with the passing of time it can reveal itself to us. This, however, it can only do when our inner vision has developed sufficiently, so we can recognise it when the Angels are presenting us with it.
• The love and wisdom of the Great Father/Mother of all life, together with the Angels and Masters on the highest levels of life, as well as our friends and helpers on various other levels of the spirit world, at any given moment are providing us with exactly the right lessons.
• We are in this life to learn that the mind of the Highest always sees and works for the good of the whole. Therefore, when earthly problems arise let’s not look for purely personal solutions, but first consider the Divine principles on which they are based. This tunes our minds into the frequencies of the Highest realms and a solution comes to us intuitively that is fair and just not only for those concerned in earthly life but the whole of Creation.
• Every human being contains the Christ spark, even though at first only in seed form. And there is every reason why we should sing the praises of the highest Star and the brightest light in the whole of Creation, the Star of the Universal Christ, the Sun above and beyond all Suns. All glory, honour and praise be to You, Great Father/Mother of all life, you created the visible and invisible parts of my being. My spirit and soul are part of You, the same as the Christ Spirit. Every cell and atom of our physical bodies, the same as everything else in the whole of the created world, You brought about from Its light.
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