The Homecoming

By Aquarius

Reflections On Growing Older – Part Two

The Homecoming

‘If I knew I had to die tomorrow, I would still plant an apple tree today,’ Martin Luther wrote. The fruits we harvest from the tree of our life during this lifetime are the seeds of what we planted in others. It is never too late to start planting good seeds, especially if many of the apples on the tree of our present lifetime seemed to be either rotten or riddled by worms. The age of our physical body does not matter one bit. It is never too late for turning our destiny round and making a fresh start, no matter what age we have reached.

After all, it’s only our physical body that grows older, so why should its age have anything to do with the age of our soul and spirit? They are immortal, unborn and, therefore, have no age. They are eternally young and cannot die – time and ageless, they know no boundaries or limits. Time is part of the illusion of our temporary and fleeting earthly existence, and does not exist anywhere else.

Taking pleasure in the thought of growing older with me is not, I assure you, a way of wishing my present lifetime away. Far from it! But, as the knowledge that there truly is no death sinks ever deeper into my consciousness, I share the feelings of Chiron, the wounded healer, when he finally regained his immortality by coming home into the awareness of his true nature and relationship with God. It’s his joy I feel and strengthened by my inner understanding, like Chiron, I would not dream of turning away from Earth life and its responsibilities.

Quite the opposite is true. The wisdom I am finding along the way gives me, like it once must have done for Chiron, the strength to tackle whatever may come my way with renewed vigour. This is because now my consciousness rests securely in the knowledge that all life, including my own, rests safely in my Divine parents’ hands and that, no matter what may ever befall me, my world and I will always be safe. In this understanding all my fears slowly dissolve, especially the one of death and this sets me free to attend diligently to all my karmic duties and obligations. Learning to love all life God’s way, totally and unconditionally, enables me to make extra special efforts at resolving and healing even the most difficult and traumatic ones of my relationships.

Appreciating that everything that ever happened to me was provided by the great wisdom of my Creator helps me to enjoy my earthly existence and live it more fully. I revel in the knowledge of God’s unlimited power, omnipotence and omniscience, as the only one who truly knows the needs of all children of the Earth, to help each one through their own experiences to learn and grow into spiritual maturity. All this makes the prospect of more lifetimes on the Earth plane, should I require them, an enjoyable one.

White Eagle in one of the Lodge’s Monday Thoughts on 18.2.2013 had this to say about eternal youth: ‘Great cycles come and pass, time and time again like night and day. A great cosmic night follows each great cosmic day. To help you become more patient, try to get away from the limitation of time, do not think in terms of years. There are those who say to us, your guides in the world of light: ‘Oh, I am getting old!’ Bless their hearts. All eternity lies before them. Can you imagine life pulsating on and on? If you get the realism and the vibration of this in the heart of your being, weariness or death will be unknown to you. You undergo transmutations but never death. That is the secret of eternal youth for Master souls.’

It’s the heart
Afraid of breaking that never learns to dance;
It’s the dream
Afraid of waking that never takes a chance;
It’s the one
Who won’t be taken that cannot seem to give;
And the soul
Afraid of dying that never learns to live.

From ‘The Rose’
Amanda McBroom

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