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The Internet Prayer
The Internet Prayer

The Internet Prayer


Be A Miracle Worker – Part Seventeen

Thank you, Great White Spirit,
Father/Mother of all life,
For the beauty and wonder of Your Creation.
Thank you for allowing us all to take part in
The natural beauty of the planet
You have given into our care,
Our beloved Mother Earth.

Thank you for also providing us with the ideas
For the technical revolution that has been taking place
In our world for quite some time.
May Your creative ideas continue to inspire all of us,
And especially our scientists and technicians,
So they too can do their share of making our world into
An ever more beautiful and peaceful place
Where all can partake freely and equally in
The gifts that so generously flow from Your abundance.

We thank You for the miracle of the Internet
And the connections it makes possible in seconds
For meeting and getting to know
Like-minded people throughout our whole planet.
Not only they but everyone is our sibling
In the family of humankind.
We are Your children of the Earth.
Please help all of us to become aware of our true nature,
So that we may tune into Your wisdom and truth
Until our whole world, including the Internet,
Is filled with Your light and Mother Earth
Turns into a planet of healing and peace.

Guide and protect us and show us how to use
All your gifts wisely and especially
The Internet. Help us to treat it with respect
And use it for the highest good of all,
As a tool and instrument that brings
Ever more understanding into our world.
Help us to treat every one of the miracles
Of Your Creation, technical and otherwise,
With the reverence they deserve
And with love for You,
The One who brings all things into being
And who has created and constantly re-creates
Us and this splendid world for all to enjoy.

Guide and protect us and
Help us to make our contribution towards
Our own salvation and redemption,
Of each other, our world and
Everything that shares is with us.
Hand in hand with You and the Angels,
In accordance with Your will and wishes,
It shall be so, now and forever.


* * *

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About This Story
12 Feb, 2020
Read Time
1 min
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