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The Ten Paths To Eudaimonia (Τα Δέκα Μονοπάτια προς την Ευδαιμονία)
The Ten Paths To Eudaimonia (Τα Δέκα Μονοπάτια προς την Ευδαιμονία)

The Ten Paths To Eudaimonia (Τα Δέκα Μονοπάτια προς την Ευδαιμονία)

Franc68Lorient Montaner

-From my texts of the Logos (The Word).

1. Release the burdens of the past.
-It is often that we are confronted with the burdens of the past and find no real means to extricate ourselves from the entanglements of their effects. If we do not release these burdens, we shall drown in the depth of our misery.

2. Recognise the moment.
-Seldom do we recognise the moment enough to act or think about what the moment represents to us. Time is either a fleeting moment in life or a lasting memory that we cling on to for reassurance.

3. Liberate the self.
-Emancipation is a thing in which we strive for with just diligence, but if we do not liberate the self from the bondage of the ego, then we are doomed to continue the repetitive cycle of that bondage.

4. Renounce the ego.
-There is no vice that is greater to the self than vanity. As there is no virtue to be mastered by the ego. Renouncing the ego is the first step to obtaining a virtuous life.

5. Give a purpose to life.
-The most meaningful thing there is in life is giving purpose to it. When we achieve that objective, we are in the greater sense acquiring knowledge and evoking wisdom.

6. Find the comfort of peace.
-When we think about what does it truly mean to be in harmony with oneself, it is finding the comfort of peace that we seek and attempt to procure its reason and depth.

7. Make the most of life.
-There is nothing that is guaranteed in life. Some of us live longer than others, whilst some of us achieve more things than others. Making the most of life is about being all that one can be.

8. Embrace the simplicity of being.
-When we complicate life, we only aggravate our problems. That is the reason that we should embrace the simplicity of being. What does simplicity mean? It means reaping the seeds of knowledge.

9. Never surrender to despair.
-It is facile to succumb to the shadows of murk. Never surrender to despair, for it will lead one only to the pit of regret and bitterness. It is the darkness that will not cease until it is vanquished.

10. Be true to oneself.
-We could either live life for what others tell us how to live, or we could be true to ourselves. In the end, we have but one life. If we remember, we shall conquer our fears and triumph.

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Lorient Montaner
About This Story
10 Jul, 2024
Read Time
2 mins
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