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The Trial of David Cameron Reviews

3 reviews have given an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 Stars
Jingsong gave a rating of 5

Dear Roger Jeff,
Thank you for this amazing story! I am a student from University of Leeds, and would be really appreciated if you could grant me the permission to translate this wonderful story for my translation project. I promiss the translation will not be published for commercial purposes.
Also, would you please tell me if this story has been translated before?

Many thanks and best regards,
[email protected]

Lussac gave a rating of 4

Really enjoyed it..... Let's just watch this space hey?

StephenG gave a rating of 5

A very interesting, thought-provoking story. It shows how thin our veneer of civilization could be, when tested by something like Brexit.

rogerjeff Thank you for your review. Although the story is satirical the issues within are serious, and I hope others will derive the same lessons as you did, and enjoy it too. RJ.
Author -

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