The Ukraine Crisis
By Aquarius
The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (7)
My inner guidance tells me that what’s happening at present in the Ukraine is a major test of consciousness for anyone who is taking part in earthly life. The way we react shows God and the Angels quite clearly which degree of spiritual awareness and understanding we have reached. They are glad when, instead of shivering in our shoes, hoping and praying that the Russian leader Putin will be assassinated by someone, we decide sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to him because he simply does not know what he is doing to himself through the karmic debts he continues to shovel heartily into his spiritual ledger.
Such reactions show that we are aware that this too is happening for the wise higher purpose of teaching us and our world a vital lesson and that every human being can only take part in their lessons in their own way, depending on the degree of understanding we have reached. Most important of all is that our behaviour shows that we trust that God and the Angels are in charge of us and our world and never people the likes of the Russian leader. Another World War is not going to come about because that’s not what the Divine great evolutionary plan has in mind for the whole of the human race and our world. It would not be in keeping with the principles of Aquarian age because that’s the age in which honesty and truth will ever more return to our world and establish itself there.
In any case, the Ukraine is such an interesting country that it is well worth studying more closely. The land on which it is placed is an extremely fertile one that, with the passing of time, has developed into one of our world’s major breadbaskets. To this day, the Ukraine is one of our world’s most important exporters of wheat. I recommend having a look at what Wikipedia has to say about it:
Jon Rappaport, investigator and reporter extraordinaire writes the following about the background of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. The wise one or living God within me tells me that this is the truth:
‘Alert: Ukraine chemical time bomb; warning to Putin and the Ukraine military.’
THERE ARE MANY STORAGE DEPOTS ALL OVER THE UKRAINE, WHERE DANGEROUS AND BANNED PESTICIDES HAVE BEEN KEPT BADLY FOR YEARS. Bombing and shelling that happens to strike these depots would cause devastating consequences. In 2009, I researched the problem of pesticides in the Ukraine. Use is not the only issue; so is storage. And the scope and danger are huge. Here is what I found:
Tamara Gurzhiy, ‘Expired and prohibited pesticides problem in Ukraine,’ Independent Agency for Ecological Information, Kharkiv, Ukraine (English translation): ‘Twenty thousand to 25,000 t [tons] of expired or prohibited pesticides are stored on 4,000 Ukrainian depots. This is a serious threat for people and environment. Arsenic compounds are highly toxic for cattle. Death comes within several hours…Majority of pesticide depots were not designed for long-term usage. Chemicals are stolen and illegally sold to people. Depots’ roofs collapsed over the time, pesticides’ wrapping gets [out of] of order, pesticides of different nature may become [a] catalyst of spontaneous chemical reactions with unpredictable results. Spontaneous fire may spread toxins on a wide area. Utilization of expired and prohibited pesticides is Ukrainian national problem.’
Many more interesting details follow the above and here is a link for the whole article so you can see for yourself:
It seems that, fortunately for our world, the Ukrainian agricultural administration seem to have put such dangerous cargoes into storage rather than poisoning their land with them.
My own research has revealed the following about the background of the pesticides. Guess who produces them? None other than the pharmaceutical industry: ‘CropLife International is an influential trade association and lobby group for the world's major agrochemical and agricultural biotech companies. Its members Syngenta, Bayer Crop Science, BASF, Corteva Agriscience, and FMC are the five biggest pesticide companies in the world by agrochemical turnover.’ Find out more about this through following this link:
Alas, to this day there are many in our world who consider the pharma industry to be a friend and helper of humankind and not a money-spinning enterprise with total disregard for the wellbeing and health not only of humankind but everything else that shares our planet. Most endangered are fertile places like the Ukraine. As long as the pharma industry is making plenty of money, its members are not in the least bothered about destroying the land on which people are living and that provides their livelihood.
Now that the pandemic is beginning to run out of steam, because ever more of the truth behind the industry’s motivations is bubbling to the surface of our world’s consciousness, professional troublemakers and scaremongers must be delighted that another weapon of theirs for spreading fear into humankind with the threat that another World War is looming. My inner guidance tells me that even though the pandemic is a kind of World War III in its own right, a further one would not be in keeping with God’s great evolutionary plan, as mentioned before. That’s by no means the intention of the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, because our world is penetrating ever deeper into the Aquarian age, the age of truth. This is why ever more of the truth is in the process of being made available by them, for example through my Aquarian writings.
Unaware of what kind of Zeitgeist now rules our world, every news item about the Ukraine crisis is pure gold for the shareholders of the military equipment industry. Thinking that it’s their turn for spinning the wheel of the money-spinning machine, they rejoice and rub their hands with glee. And that’s why for example, the USA have already pumped military equipment worth 350 million US$ into the Ukraine.
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The Ukraine Crisis (2)
The simplest solution for overcoming the many problems the human race has created for itself in the course of thousands of years, would be destroying the material part of our planet. The Angels and Masters, in charge of our world’s development, undoubtedly have the power to do this. However, this would not satisfy humankind’s need to continue with the earthly school of life’s lessons for those who still require them. As a result, none of the earthly personalities of all sufficiently highly evolved spirit/souls would be unable to finish their curriculum.
The Divine evolutionary plan for the continuation of the human race provides that eventually all our world’s young and inexperienced spirit/souls shall reincarnate onto another planet whose energies are right for accommodating those of their earthly personalities. That’s how the new planet and humankind will be assisting each to evolve together, the same as it is still happening on Mother Earth. Find out more about this by following the relevant link below.
This is why, my inner guidance tells me, that total destruction of our world’s outer material plane is not going to happen. The earthly personalities of the spirit/souls who are presently taking part in life on this plane are responsible for having created the present situation, through the way they behaved in the course of many previous lifetimes. What we created, hand in hand with God and the Angels, without being aware that this is what we were doing, has to be uncreated the same way. Through learning from our mistakes of the past, we are here to do better and each to our share of restoring our world into a place that’s pleasant and worth living and working for.
And the only way this can come about is through asking the wise ones in charge of us and our world for their advice, so that they can intuitively show us how to transform our planet from a materially over-orientated place into a spiritual one. I suggest that we keep on sending nothing but kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. After all, aren’t they our spiritually younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind? The trouble is that they just don’t know what they are doing and what, in the fullness of time the Universal Divine laws is bound to return to them, unless we can help them in some way. But how?
It’s very simple really because as explained in previous parts of my writings, our world consists of two streams of consciousness, a light and a dark one. Positive, kind and loving thoughts, especially for those who do not yet know why they are here and that every human being in truth is a young God in the making, even though the recipient could still be far away of waking up to this, it’s a fact. Our thoughts can help their spirit/soul absorb more of the Christ light which speeds up the development of their spiritual nature. The more our thoughts feed into the light stream, for individuals and as a whole, the more that stream’s strength increases.
Unaware of what they are doing to themselves, our troublemakers and scaremongers are increasing the dark stream’s strength. The light stream is capable of absorbing ever more of our world’s darkness, especially when we pray for this to happen. The more we feed into it, the more it comes about quite naturally. Spiritual development never has been about revenge. Its main concern is helping each other to understand, so the other one can progress as much as possible. Everybody does this on their own evolutionary spiral and the one for the whole of humankind and our world. Never forget that the more we feed into our world’s light stream, the more darkness it can absorb.
One of the finest ways of assisting this development is trusting that we and our world have always rested safely in the wise and loving hands of the Highest Forces of life and that this is sure to continue, forever. No forces exist in the whole of Creation who would ever have had the power of interfering with this. The more we trust, the more our whole approach to life feeds into the light stream, through the fact of just being here. The more it can then absorb of the darkness that still exists in our world.
When I had finished making notes with pen and paper in preparation for this chapter, I stepped to my window. As ever, insights were coming to me intuitively. An amazing sight greeted me. At that very moment, a beautifully marked butterfly landed on one of my primroses’ blooms. It happened on the 25th February 2022 and I have never spotted a butterfly as early as that. Clearly, this one was bringing me the message that everything is well with our world and also my own healing journey within it. The spiritual development of both clearly has by now left behind the ugly caterpillar stage. Having evolved into a beautiful butterfly who has the power of lifting itself above our worlds’ troubles, simply through being able to recognise why things have to happen and delighted to be part of the process of leaving this phase behind.
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The Ukraine Crisis (3)
The wise one or living God within me, from now on wishes to communicate with you directly: ‘There definitely will not be another World War. The warmongering that’s still flaring up in your world here and there, are left-overs from the reign of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its false belief that your world is ruled by and dominated an all-male God-head. Naturally, such beliefs never had the power of changing that the first and second impulse of Creation have always been and forever will be the energies of the Great Father/Mother of all life. Together with the Universal Christ Star’s light they form the Divine Trinity who always have and forever will continue to bring into being and maintain all material aspects of the whole of Creation, including you and everything that exists in your world.
Everything that happens there serves the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind something. Naturally, the pandemic is not exempt from this. It’s an essential aspect of the clearing out process of karmic debts which were accumulated in humankind individual and collective spiritual ledgers in the course of the patriarchy’s warmongering efforts. The Ukrainian crisis is an important contributor because it draws humankind’s attention to the role that was played by the pharmaceutical industry for a long time. As this has been explained sufficiently in other parts of the Aquarian writings, there is no need to go into any further details here.
The beliefs of your world’s old religions also served a wise higher purpose. It created a barrier of fear around the spiritual background of humankind’s existence that was strong enough to keep human beings away from ending it by their own hands, as the going got ever tougher for those who, at any given time, were taking part in the lessons of the earthly school of life. It’s been a blockage that stopped sufficient numbers of human beings for long enough from returning to their true home, the spirit realm, of their own free will. As ever more of you are finding out these days, there is nothing to be afraid of and much to look forward to in that world.
Let’s turn to the old religions for a moment longer. They were created by none other than the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, who are in charge of carrying out God’s great evolutionary plan for everything that exists on your planet. They are the Highest Authority of the whole of Creation. Nothing happens anywhere within it without they not only knowing what’s happening but allowing it. As far as the development of humankind and its world is concerned, it always has been and forever will be for the purpose of teaching those who, at any given time, are taking part in its lessons. Every one of them is an essential component of your education as a young God in the making. That’s what every one of you is, even though for a long time you are unaware that an extremely high and holy destiny is in store for all human beings.
And when at last you understand why things have been happening to you and your world, during the thousands of years of patriarchy, you will probably want to go down on your knees before the Great Father/Mother of life and thank them for always having taken such good care of you and your requirements. You are likely to want to thank for the perfect justice of the Divine Universal laws of life that has always returned to you what, in any of your earthly lifetimes, you sent into your world. This degree of understanding of the background of your existence, when the end of your present lifetime has come round, will free you from compulsorily having to take part in being a material being in a material world.
As a young God in the making, you will then soon continue your education through exploring and getting to know the next higher level of the spirit realm, your true home. Never again will you feel lost and lonely because spirit friends and helpers, whom you will be able to see and communicated with consciously, will continue to accompany your journey, wherever it may still need to take you. You will never be afraid again of what lies ahead, because you know that spirit friends and helpers will forever be with you. That’s how it was before but in the past you could not see them. So you never really trusted that they were there, helping and advising you about which way to turn, whenever your life’s pathway reached a junction.
Until one of the Angels of transformation releases your spirit/soul from your present physical body, do what you can to alleviate your world’s suffering and in particular wherever warmongering is raging to this day, especially in the Ukraine. As you know by now, and I shall never tire of reminding you of it, most of all every one of you can assist your world by sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to the troublemakers and scaremongers who are presently on the giving end of humankind’s lesson of getting to know the nature of suffering. Forgive them because they truly do not know what they are doing, most of all to themselves, and what in the fullness of time is bound to return to them. Do your best to alleviate this fate with your thoughts.
If the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle destroyed the outer material aspect of your world, which they alone would have the power to do, it would be very simple for them. All they needed to do is reverse the process that brings into being everything that exists in your world’s outer material plane. It is done by slowing the atoms of the Christ Star’s light down sufficiently to create the illusion of something strong and solid, which in truth it is not.
This would not solve your world’s present problems, merely create new ones and that’s because the Angels of transformation would then have to take all of you home into the world of light. What do you think would happen to those who still need to take part in the earthly school of life’s lessons, one after the other, and that several times over? One small step forwards and upwards, this is how every human being has always travelled, each on their own evolutionary spiral without for a long time being aware of what’s happening to them and why they are taking part in earthly life.
The barrier your world’s old religions created, as useful as it was during the patriarchy, is no longer required because the Aquarian age of truth has been with your world for quite a while by now. The Israel and Yemen conflict is another one of the left-overs from the old religions’ false beliefs. Throughout your world the religious barrier consisted of the fear of what was once considered by human beings as death and what awaits you after it. In truth, there is no death merely a transformation into a different lifestate. As ever more of you know by now, every bit the old religious tales was untrue! May it suffice here to repeat that there is nothing to be afraid of and much to look forward to when you leave the earthly plane behind and your spirit/soul is released into enjoying the ever greater freedom of its true home, the spirit realm.
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