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The Wise Optimist’s View Of The Plandemic – Part One
The Wise Optimist’s View Of The Plandemic – Part One

The Wise Optimist’s View Of The Plandemic – Part One


The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

My Kind Of Astrology – Part Thirteen

Life in the whole of Creation is subject to Universal laws. Naturally, that also applies to every human being and anything else that shares this planet with us. As soon as one starts viewing humankind’s earthly existence from this perspective, one realises that its construction is basically very simple. Like everything that exists elsewhere, our lives are based on these laws. The first ones are love and evolution and that means all manifestations of life, on all its levels, are constantly pursuing the same evolutionary pathway that is based on love. All other Universal laws branch out from the first two. The next most relevant one for our existence is the law of cause and effect or Karma. All truly great ideas are simple and the idea that gave birth to this law is the crowning glory of this principle. It’s simplicity itself. It merely decrees that whatever is sent by anyone anywhere into the Universe, in thoughts, words and actions, in the fullness of time must return to its sender and that in a somewhat strengthened state.

Every human being is an offspring of the great light of the Universal Christ’s spirit, the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. At the beginning of everybody’s earthly education, the Christ light is present but only as the tiniest of sparks of love in its purest and most exalted state. That’s why all of us have the potential for bringing forth, each needs to do this from deep within their own being, the highest, noblest and best characteristics. Everybody’s evolutionary pathway starts with getting to know that which is ugly and evil of the unevolved crude state of their earthly personality. But in the course of many earthly lifetimes, all of us steadily move forwards and upwards on their personal evolutionary spiral. That’s how, with the passing of time, the lower aspects of our nature are overcome and left behind. And that creates the necessary space for our higher nature’s qualities to emerge and move ever more into the foreground of our consciousness, until it has taken over its earthly counterpart.

Knowing about these things makes it easy to look for that which is good, right and beautiful in everybody. I know that it is there somewhere, even though none of it may as yet be visible in some people. My inner guidance tells me that this approach is by no means foolishly optimistic. Spiritually it is realistic and sound, because by focussing on that which is good in someone, no matter who they are, one assists their higher God or Christ nature to wake from its slumbering state. And that’s why I love sending nothing but kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to everybody and especially our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. It’s good to know that they too have the Divine spark within and are the beloved children of the Great Father/Mother. Every one of them also has, at least potentially, the very best, noblest and highest qualities within, just the same as everybody else, including thee and me.

Nothing that ever happened in our world was without a wise higher reason behind it. As one of the songs from ‘The Sound Of Music’ says: ‘Nothing comes from nothing. Nothing ever could!’ At any given time, everything that takes place, in one way or another, serves the wise higher purpose of teaching all involved and also our world something. That’s how every one of us, the whole of humankind and our world, always have constantly been moving forwards and upwards on the great Divine evolutionary spiral of life.

Every one of us is a co-creator with the Great Father/Mother of all life and at all times we are in the process of bringing something about. Our thoughts create our reality and any kind, loving and forgiving thought we send to our less highly evolved siblings in the great family of humankind helps their higher nature to grow stronger. I hope that it will eventually have become sufficiently strong to break through the crust of their lower earthly nature and take it over.

These days, I prefer dwelling as much as possible on that which is good, right and beautiful in our world and in the people around me, instead of reflecting on their miseries. I enjoy giving of my best at all times and love talking health and natural healing methods whenever an opportunity for doing so arises. I know that this opens my inner doors for more knowledge about such things to come to mind. I am sure that this is going to happen because God and the Angels love to scatter the seeds of Divine wisdom and truth far and wide. Their principle is ‘the more you give, the more you receive’.

Sagittarius is the sign dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. Its astrological glyph is the archer, who consists of half a higher and a lower nature, and likes nothing better than shooting its arrows far and wide, the higher and further the better. My Sun is in Libra in the ninth house, the natural domain of Sagittarius. My birthchart’s Ascendant is also in this sign. Shooting far and wide, ever further and wider, that’s what God and the Angels have always done through my writings. Through them I have found ever more understanding of our world’s spiritual background and the wise higher purpose that every human being’s earthly existence serves, including my own. About thirty years ago, I started writing about the spiritual insights that kept on coming to me. Approx. sixteen years ago, a website was made available to me by friends. When I began publishing parts of my work, the viewing figures were most encouraging. On Booksie alone they have by now reached over two million. Watching these figures increasing, to me is a great deal more enjoyable than looking after money millions could ever be.

The best part of it is that for the first time in this lifetime I feel safe. This is because I have first hand knowledge that: a) my existence – on all its levels – rests securely in the hands of God and the Angels; b) they have always been with every one of us, therefore also with me; and c) nothing will ever be able to destroy or even disrupt the oneness every one of us always has had and forever will have with the Highest Forces of life; d) there is no need to fear the future and even death, because in truth there is no death, merely a moving to another dimension of life; e) there is nothing to fear because my inner guidance will always be showing me the way.

The inner guidance of the wise one or living God within is everybody’s own built-in lie detector. It knows the way of all things and when we are in need of help, God and the Angels are more than happy to communicate through this guidance with us. Yet, without asking for help, it cannot come to anyone. But as soon as we go down on our knees, if only metaphorically speaking, they show us intuitively how to go about things, guiding and protecting us whenever necessary.

For quite some time by now, God’s great evolutionary plan has provided me with first hand knowledge that life in the whole of Creation, therefore also in our world, has always been unfolding the way it should. By now, my faith and trust in the goodness of our earthly existence and the high and noble qualities that are present in every human being has grown so strong that nothing will ever be able to shake them. It makes no difference whether they are still invisible on the surface of their earthly behaviour, they are there. It could be that the characteristics of someone’s higher nature’s are not yet visible because that person is destined to take part in a certain lesson. As a result, they could have got so lost in playing one particular role that they simply cannot help themselves.

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5 Jun, 2021
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