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There's an Alien Under My Bed
There's an Alien Under My Bed

There's an Alien Under My Bed

BeowulfAnthony E
1 Review

Dad read me a story, tucked me in, kissed my forehead

Then came a rustle and bustle from under my bed

Good night, sleep tight, was all that Dad said

Then I heard a pitter patter from under my bed

Could it be the dog that hadn't been fed

Groaning and moaning from under my bed

Or maybe a starving mouse searching for bread

Hurrying and scurrying from under my bed

Then I heard a beep and a zeep, sounds that I dread

Were those alien sounds from under my bed?

I didn’t want to peek underneath and turn my head

Just to see an alien ray gun with a laser of red

So I called to Dad and all that Dad said,

“Of course there isn't an alien under your bed”

Maybe it's my imagination, was it all in my head?

Maybe just maybe, there isn't an alien under my bed

Maybe it's a pop-up book that hadn't been read

Or it could be a remote control race car instead

Instead of an alien right under my bed

Just then I heard a voice from under my bed

I pulled up the covers, my face turned all red

I yelled to Dad, “Come In Here!” I said

And capture the alien from under my bed

My Dad rushed in with hair standing on his head

He lurched and he searched all under my bed

He found Hermie, my hermit crab, I thought he was DEAD!

But there wasn't a single alien right under my bed

There was a mechanical pencil, without any lead

But there wasn't an alien right under my bed

“I found it, I found it,” was all that Dad said

He pulled out a Real ALIEN, it was under my BED!

We went on its spaceship to the planet Zed

“I told you, there was an alien under my bed”

“Wake up, wake up son,” was all my Dad said

Was this all a dream, was this all in my head?

I got set for school, brushed my teeth, made my bed

I didn't take the bus, I took a spaceship instead

THE END............

Author Notes: Children's story about science fiction, fantasy, and dreams.

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About The Author
Anthony E
About This Story
30 Mar, 2020
Read Time
1 min
4.0 (1 review)

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