This Isn't Me
By StandByShawty - 2 Reviews
This isn't me
My minds in a frenzy
My heartbeat's slowing
I might not make it till tomorrow morning
Momma I'm sorry
You tried your best
And all that earned you
Was a gash on your chest
Father forgive me
You taught me well
How to throw a ball
and even pick up shells
But you would've never done it
If you had known
This is where it would lead you
Big brother I love you
You were always so kind
I can't fully understand how it led to this
But thanks to your kindness
You accepted too many lies
Little sister how could you do this
I though we were siblings
But no, you're ruthless
Giving me a knife
Designed with the names of our loved ones
I can't believe you
How utterly sick
I then wake up
Sweat streaming down my face
My mom comes running in
"Oh you're finally awake"
I smiled as I learned it was all a dream
I was so happy
That I had awake
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