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Unbreakable Law-Part Five
Unbreakable Law-Part Five

Unbreakable Law-Part Five

BookNerd123Black Sheep

(Oak's pov.)

Pine and I made an agreement to go on like nothing had happened between us, we were still to marry Lemon and Apple, and take over our neighboring kingdoms. My mind did not agree with this arrangment; I couldn't sleep without having the same dream of him, I couldn't not search the halls for him, or not find myself re-tracing the steps to his private room late at night.

I groan into my pillow and roll over shoving my face under the thick blanket. Lemon stares at me,"I know you like him. " I feel my entire body tense,"do you care?" She rolls her eyes,"no. I don't actually want to marry you but I will do anyhting for my kingdom." I nod, smiling at her loyalty. "Go before it gets to dark, I will wait." I smile,"thank you." I say, running out the door.

Apple and Pine are in the courtyard, talking by themselves. Apple sees me first, she waves me over, Pine sees me as I walk over, and his entire face lights up. "Oak," he says. Apple smiles,"is my sister covering for you?" She questions, polietly. I nod and she walks away back into the building.

"Lets go to my room," I nod and follow him. Up stairs, down a hall, and into a well lit room. It looks exactly like my room except more like a home and not a place to sleep. He pulls me down on the bed beside him and holds me tight against him. I fade away into a sleep against his chest.

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About The Author
Black Sheep
About This Story
12 Feb, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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