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What Is the World?
What Is the World?

What Is the World?


What is the world?

What is the gated freedom we seem to have?

Where is the liberty we claim to give?

Where are the rights each human should have?

I don’t understand.

I simply do not get it.

I wish the world could see,

I wish the world could feel.

I’m sure if she could,

She would be disappointed with what we have become.

Look at the people,

They whisper.

Look at their suffering.

Watch as they destroy each other from the inside out,

With cutting laws and feet binding rules.

Why can’t we live as people?

Why can’t we thrive the way we are?

Why can’t we address the issues and address the problems?

I’m crying,

Writing this.

The world,

A beautiful place meant for beautiful creatures.

And humans,

Corrupt beings with all the knowledge in the world,

Only to use it to hate,


And oppress.

Humans pride themselves in being the smartest and the most advanced amongst the species living on earth.

So why can’t they see us?

Why can’t they hear us?

Why can’t they feel with us?

What is the world,

And what has it become?

Look at us,

Materialistic people who’ve pressed laws on people.

Look at us,

People who have every resource possible, using it to hurt instead of help.

Look at what we have become.

I am sad for the world today.

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About This Story
7 Aug, 2022
Read Time
1 min
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