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You Only See One Side Of The Picture
You Only See One Side Of The Picture

You Only See One Side Of The Picture


What Is Earthly Life? – Part Seven

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides under the above heading, which appeared in Stella Polaris, the bi-monthly magazine of the White Eagle Lodge June/July 2011: ‘Because God is the designer of the great plan of life and of every small plan within it, S/He sees all sides of any picture. This applies to individuals as much as groups and nations, and all manner of institutions and organisations. God is all loving, giving and forgiving and whatever your heart truly desires is given unto you, so that you may enjoy it and also learn something from it. If it’s violence, warfare and acts of terrorism your heart yearns for, you are allowed to get on with it – though only up to a certain point.

‘Your wish will be granted, but unknown to you at a price, because the law of cause and effect, also known as the law of Karma, in the fullness of time returns every one of your thoughts, words and actions in some way to you. For example, in one of your future lifetimes, maybe while you are still a small child, you could become the victim of an act of terrorism. The people around you would then be thinking and saying how terrible your death is. Whenever they see suffering, perhaps mangled bodies and death caused by mindless acts of violence, they are likely to ask: ‘Why should this kind of thing happen to innocent souls who have no idea why they have to suffer?’ Everything that takes place in your world is of a karmic nature. Good and bad events alike have their origin in that which was done by the people involved in their previous lifetimes.

‘For a long time the earthly mind of all human beings is ignorant of anything that does not relate to its present existence. Yet, as each one moves along the evolutionary spiral of life, their soul gradually develops some wisdom and understanding. And if you could watch the spiritual enlightenment that can be found in any kind of suffering, you would recognise that the misery in truth is a precious gift and that there is every reason for being grateful for it. Your heart would fill with even more gratitude if you could see how merciful God is and how the end of every catastrophe is invariably crowned with something beautiful. A just reward waits for everyone who is affected by them, not only when they arrive in the world of light, but also in their future lifetimes on the Earth, unless all their Karma has been cleared away and they will be allowed to move on to experiences of a higher nature.

‘Compensation is one of the five great laws of life and the greatest gift that arises from suffering is undoubtedly soul growth. But it also means paying the debts that are likely to have accumulated in your spiritual bankbook in the course of many lifetimes. Without redeeming yourself and balancing your spiritual account you cannot be released into lessons of a higher nature and exploring other levels of life. You are well on your way when you forgive those who have hurt and wounded you and your loved ones and place everything into the hands of your Christ Self, you are nailing the desires of your lower nature for revenge and retribution to the cross of earthly life. When the only thing you want to do is send love and forgiveness to everybody, independent of what may still have to happen to you and your world, your higher nature has taken over. You are at one with God and for you the gates into the freedom of the Aquarian Age are opening wide.

‘Our Creator’s infinite love and mercy cannot be known for as long as human beings remain unaware of their true nature and the higher purpose of their existence. For as long as they look at things only with their worldly eyes, they can perceive but one side of any picture and so fail to recognise the tender loving care that provides for anyone who is suffering, lonely and afraid. If during the early part of their earthly education, people get involved in a catastrophe or maybe are just watching or assisting with removing dead bodies and clearing away the debris of destroyed dwellings, they will say: ‘Aren’t so much devastation and many deaths just awful and senseless?’ Their view of life changes profoundly when they become aware of the spiritual background of life and that the higher forces are taking care of the souls who have been released from their physical bodies in any kind of way, including violent ones.

‘Although the victims of such incidents may not realise what is happening to them, the most careful provisions are being made for each one. When these newcomers arrive on the other side of the veil of consciousness that separates your world from ours, the only thing they know at first is that they are alive and moving and breathing in a world that seems identical to the one they used to know. They may not even realise that they have left their physical body behind. With great tenderness and care the wise ones in charge help them to realise that they are no longer in a physical existence. They are under constant surveillance by us, your spirit Masters and guides, until they have become fully aware of their present state. We delight in witnessing their intense joy and thankfulness for the ease of their move into our world. This is the usual first reaction of those who are finding out that it our realm is as solid and real as the physical world, but much more beautiful and easy to live in.

‘The most tender love watches over the whole of humankind at all times and this does not merely become visible when someone dies. This kind of care has always been with you and forever will be. God and the group of Angels known as the Lords of Karma, as well as many lesser beings in our world are empowered to bring about the conditions that are beneficial for the development of those taking part in earthly life. Although our efforts cannot be perceived by earthly eyes and senses, we only work for that which is good. So, if in future you hear about or witness a disaster, do not wring your hands and say: ‘How terrible! How could God permit such a thing?’ Resist the temptation and remind yourself that you have no idea about the karmic background of anything.

‘To paraphrase words from the Jesus legend: ‘Let those among you who are free from sin, cast the first stone.’ As soon as any kind of situation is viewed from the Karmic angle, it would be most unwise for anyone to pick up a stone, never mind throwing it. And would you dare to throw a stone of condemnation towards the young and inexperienced souls, who are committing such acts? After all, aren’t they your siblings in the family of humankind, your younger brothers and sisters? What they are doing is part of the early phases of humankind’s earthly curriculum, just the same as you had to experience in past lifetimes. Never forget that all of it is provided by God’s wisdom and love. There would be no point in asking God and the Angels to forgive any trespassers against the law of love, because they are standing by and know exactly what is happening.

‘It wouldn’t be your place to forgive those who sin, but you may utter to yourself the following words from the Jesus legend: ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing’. Truly, they are completely unaware of what they are doing to themselves, the same you did not know when you had to deal with the same phase of your development. In those days you too would have asked: ‘Why, if God loves His/Her children, are volcanoes and earthquakes permitted? Why, if God loves humankind, are humans allowed to go to war and commit acts of terrorism?’

‘Human souls find peace when their earthly selves realise that they themselves are the ultimate cause of everything that has ever happened on the Earth and is doing so to this day. It could not be any other way because the Universal laws work in exact rhythms and with great precision. There is a great abundance of everything, but as only through the lack of something human beings can learn to appreciate that which they have, sometimes periods when rain is withheld are necessary in earthly life, to teach you the value of water. The same principle applies to war and peace, but even if the warmongering lasts six thousand years, it represents a mere batting of an eyelid in God’s time.

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1 Apr, 2021
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